the Benefits Of Taking An Infant To the Doctor For a Wellness Check
Health Wellness

the Benefits Of Taking An Infant To the Doctor For a Wellness Check

Published at 03/28/2012 19:52:50


the Benefits Of Taking An Infant To the Doctor For a Wellness Check

A wellness check is something that your infant music have every so often at the doctor's office. This check up will make sure that your child is doing alright and is healthy for their age bracket. In different states, there may be different things that are done at the wellness check appointment, while most of them include weighing your infant, getting their height measurement, taking their temperature, checking their breathing, and more. This is something that all parents should take their children to. If you do not have health insurance, there are doctors available that offer their wellness check appointments at no cost to you.


the Benefits Of Taking An Infant To the Doctor For a Wellness Check

A wellness check is something that has been around for the last few decades. After the birth of your child, it is very important to see how they are doing and if their health is up to par. Many infants can come down with terrible illnesses and some even suffer from infant death syndrome. A wellness check is designed to inform you and to help prevent against illness in your child's health.


the Benefits Of Taking An Infant To the Doctor For a Wellness Check

The benefits of taking your child to a wellness check appointment certanily outweigh the cons. The only real downside to taking your child for a wellness check is that you will be taking them in to an environment where there are many sick people waiting to see the doctor. This could potentially cause your child to get sick. However, there are many advantages of taking your baby for a wellness check up. First and foremost, your infant will need to get certain shots at each one of their doctors appointments. These are typically given at 3 months, 6 months, 9 months, and 12 months. Some things that these shots protect against include measles, mumps, rubella, chicken pox, hepititis, and more. If your infant does not receive these shots, they are at risk of getting one of these diseases. A wellness check not only gives your child shots, but it weighs and measures them to make sure they are at a healthy range for their age. If they are not within a healthy weight range, your doctor may suggest things that you can do to help. A wellness check is also a time for parents to ask any questions or voice any concerns that they may have regarding their infant. This is especially helpful to new parents who may not have as much infant knowledge as those who have been around the block a few times.

A wellness check is also manatory in many states. If you child does not go to their doctors appointments and receive all of the shots that they should have, they may not be able to attend school until they do so. This is something that will affect your child in the long run.

Tips and comments

Set up an appointment for your infant's wellness check visits in advance. Mark down the date on your calendar so that you will not forget to bring your child to their appointment. If you can not make an appointment, be sure to reschedule and never skip a visit. This is very important for your child's health.


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