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How To Follow Up After a Job Interview

Published at 02/28/2012 00:02:40


A job interview is very nerve wracking experience for many job seekers. People spend time and even money getting prepared for the day of the interview because the job itself is contingent on what is often the final step in the hiring process. Naturally, job seekers want to follow up after the interview, especially if they don't hear back immediately. Many people automatically assume that they did something wrong during the interview, which is why the hiring manager has not been quick to follow up. Although this could be the reason, job seekers should take the time to think about the hiring process from the perspective of the employers.

Sometimes one job opening may elicit hundreds of applications and resumes. After the hiring manager has dwindled that pile down to a a dozen or so qualified applicants, the interview process that follows is still a very daunting for many companies. First, they have to schedule interview times out of regular company time, being sure not to interrupt business operations; the hiring manager is often a manager who is integral to the daily functioning of the company. Next, the interviewer must be prepared to ask the right questions so that the company doesn't mistakenly hire an undesirable candidate.

The hiring process is complicated for all involved. If you are a job seeker and need advice on how to follow up after the interview, there are at least five different ways to get in touch with the hiring manager in a tactful manner.

Step 1

Call the hiring manager at the company after interviewing for a job opening. You may have to speak with the front desk receptionist first, who will then confirm that it is okay for you to speak with the hiring manager that interviewed you. Alternatively, the interviewer may provide you with his or her direct extension. Either way, don't constantly ring the interviewer's telephone line or leaving too many voice mail messages.

Step 2

Email the hiring manager at the company after interviewing for a job opening. In most cases, this is the method preferred by many interviewers because email is less intrusive than an annoying telephone call. Also, this is probably the same way that you applied for the job; by sending in your resume via email message.

Step 3

Mail a paper form letter to the hiring manager at the company after interviewing for a job opening. This may seem outdated, but the thought and effort may make a positive impression on the manager.


Step 4

Visit the hiring manager in person at the office after interviewing for a job opening. However, you should call to make sure they are not busy, and may want to schedule an appointment.

Step 5

Wait for a call back from hiring manager at the company after interviewing for a job opening. If you have been waiting an unusually long time for the call back about whether or not you were hired, you should just remain patient. In some cases hiring managers do not like being hassled.


  • Some managers will call candidates back months and even years after an interview for a job.

Sources and Citations

  1. " Follow Up After an Interview Without Being a Pest." Jobs & Job Search Advice, Employment & Careers | N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Feb. 2012. <>.
  2. " Sending a Thank-You Letter after a Job Interview - For Dummies ." How-To Help and Videos - For Dummies . N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Feb. 2012. <>.
  3. "First Person: What to Do After a Job Interview - Yahoo! Finance." Yahoo! Finance - Business Finance, Stock Market, Quotes, News. N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Feb. 2012. <>.
  4. "How To Follow Up After A Job Interview -" Information for the World's Business Leaders - N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Feb. 2012. <>.
  5. "How to Follow Up After an Interview - On Careers (" Business News and Financial News - US News Business. N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Feb. 2012. <>.
  6. " After the Interview: Four Ways to Follow Up | Monster." Career advice, interview questions, salary comparisons, and resume tips from Monster. N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Feb. 2012. <>.
  7.  "Follow up, Follow up, Follow up!." dotDefender Blocked Your Request. N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Feb. 2012. <>.
  8. " How Not to Follow Up After a Job Interview ." TheLadders Gets You a New Job Quicker | TheLadders. N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Feb. 2012. <>.



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