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How to be successful at sales retail jobs

Published at 03/18/2012 01:28:27


There are a variety of sales retail jobs that one can apply for. These jobs include your basic department store jobs, jobs in specialty stores or fancy boutiques. Yes, these can be jobs that pay one’s bills. However, they can also be rewarding jobs and jobs that lead to full-time careers. These jobs can even be stepping stones in an industry one may come to love. Yet, to become successful in these jobs, one must be committed to the job and be ready to take the job seriously.

Step 1

The first step in being successful in this field is to understand that there is a lot of variety in the field of sales retail jobs. Then one must decide which type of job is the one best suited for him or her. This means that one can use their hobbies or interests as part of their process of narrowing down their application processes.

If one enjoys sports and has a great knowledge of sports, one may be comfortable working in a sports store. If one enjoys high end fashion, this may be the type of store that he or she is best qualified to work as a retail employee.

Step 2

Once you narrow down the type of sales retail jobs that are suited the best for you, you can begin applying for these jobs. If these jobs are in high demand, you may have to begin your retail experience at another type of store or even another department of the store first. This will help give you some retail experience. The more retail experience you have, the better your odds will be to get the job you want in the future.

Step 3

Once you begin working in the industry of retail sales jobs, you should also beware that your image will become important. Customers will trust salespeople that look the part. This means that you must come to work every day looking your best. Your hair must be neat and clean. Your clothes, should not only be meet your store’s dress code, they should fit neatly. The bottom line is that you should always look as presentable as you can. This will make you look like a good employee and someone that the customers will want to have helping them. This will help you get promoted quicker and help you earn higher commissions.

Step 4

Is the customer always right? No. This is just a saying. Yet, to get ahead in any of the numerous types of sales retail jobs out there, you will not say this to a customer’s face. You will always be polite to a customer. You will try to meet as many as their requests as you can. When you can’t meet their requests, you will offer to give them assistance by getting a manager to help them. This is how you can maintain good standing with your customers and keep them liking you. This is also how you can stay ahead in the field of sales retail jobs.

Step 5

One should also show the management that he or she is dedicated to the job. This is how one can possibly get ahead in the sales reatail jobs industry. They can prove to the management that they want to get ahead by continually striving to making the customers happy, by keeping the store neat, by keeping the stock in the ideal location and doing all the other chores needed to get the job done correctly.


One should dress the part as a neat salesperson.

One should try to find a job in the store or department that best suits him.

One should try to keep the customers happy.

Sources and Citations


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