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How to train for jobs in accounting

Published at 01/21/2012 08:09:48


Jobs in accounting are said to be for those who are good with numbers but this alone is not enough to land that job in accounting. Proper training is required to put you ahead of the rest of the pack. Accountants are at the helm of many businesses and in the world of finance such as stock broking and investment banking. This article will highlight some important steps to take that will equip you efficiently to handle such a position.

Step 1

Research on career options
Accountants have the opportunity to work in a variety of industries such as the government, non government organizations and private firms. Researching on these jobs will help you realize what additional skills are needed to qualify for such jobs in accounting. The best way to carry out your research is by reviewing accounting job postings to get an idea of what potential employers are looking for in candidates who apply for such jobs. For example, a career in government accounting may require accountants to take legal and public administration courses in addition to basic accounting courses.

Obtain a bachelors degree
Most entry level positions in this field require accountants to have a bachelor's degree. Degree programs are available at colleges and online schools. For those with other responsibilities during the day, most colleges offer evening classes. Ensure that the institution you choose is one with a good reputation and thus your certification is credible and places you well on your way to obtain national certification and land you a jobs in accounting.

Step 2

Acquire experience
Jobs in accounting require that some experience be attained prior to employment. This can best be done by taking up an internship position. Accounting students get a chance to practice their skills and learn valuable lessons, some of which could not have been learnt in the classroom. Some colleges offer internship placement to different firms. Try your best to make the best of these opportunities and do an exceptional job. This way, the management is able to notice you and might offer you a position after completion of your studies.

Continuous training
Apart from the degree that you get, there are also other certifications that place you higher than the rest when it comes to job placement. Accountants can get certified as financial planners, internal auditors, and public and management accountants. The only way to do this is to first meet the education and exam requirenments, then gain the relevant experience in the field. Jobs in accounting require continuous training as this keeps you relevant in the current market.

Step 3

Join an international body of professionals like the ICPAK .Such an international body of accountants opens up your connections through active networking. Attend seminars held for accountants in your area and get to know people and what they do. Networking opens up your mind to jobs in accounting in different parts of the world and industries.


Though rewarding, an accountants job is never easy.Pasion for this kind of work must be genuinely present and ones integrity maintained at very high standards all the time. Jobs in accounting lie across all industries and it is important to decide early enough exactly which industry best suits you.

Sources and Citations
