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Great Advice For Jobs Desk

Published at 03/24/2012 21:18:55


You may think that desk jobs are easy. However, that is often far from true, desk jobs can take a toll on the body, just as those jobs that require physical activity can. There are some things that those who work desk jobs should do to get their bodies moving and give themselves a break from constantly staring at the computer screen. The following are some easy tips that those working desk jobs can try.

Step 1

Get up and move around. It is not good for your body to sit in one place for hours on end. It is important to get up and walk around to get the blood flowing and to help your circulation. Make it a point to leave your desk and take a walk. Even if it is just a walk around your cubicle or office. Stand up from time to time if you are doing tasks that do not require you to be sitting at the desk. For example when you are talking on the phone. Do not eat lunch at your desk, get up and move during your lunch break. This should be done by all who work desk jobs.

Step 2

Desk jobs that require the user to stare at a computer screen for long periods of time are another issue for those who work at a desk. Focus your eyes on something other than the computer every once in a while. Try to take your eyes off the computer screen every twenty minutes or so. Look at a photo on the wall or out the window. Be sure to make it a point to take these short breaks often.


Step 3

Get exercise whenever you can. Packing on the pounds is a common occurrence for those working desk jobs. Siting in one place working at a desk is not conducive to buring calories. A good way to get your metabolism up is to find ways to incorporate exercise into your day. Take a walk after dinner, or walk during your lunch break. Ride a bike or go out dancing on your off time. Anything that you can do to get your body  moving and your metabolism up is going to help combat the weight gain.

Step 4

Buy a good quality chair. Desk jobs are easier when you have a good chair. The chair should offer good support for you back and it should be comfortable. You also want to make sure that your chair is adjusted to the right height for your desk.

Step 5

Practice having good posture. Being slumped down at a desk all day puts a strain on you. Make it a point to correct your posture often throughout the day. By sitting up straight you will find that you will feel less achy. Good posture is important for everyone, but especially those with desk jobs, who would be slouched for hours on end.


Remember to schedule your breaks and your posture checks. After a while, it will become habit and you will not longer need the reminders. 

Sources and Citations

