Finding Litigation Jobs
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Finding Litigation Jobs

Published at 03/29/2012 00:17:51


Finding Litigation Jobs

Litigation is the process by which civil lawsuits or conflicts are presented in a court of law. There are people who represent defendants and plaintiffs in lawsuits. They must study and understand the law in order to make the best case. It may take a number of years before litigates are successful in their careers. There are many types of litigation jobs in the litigation field. From the litigation attorney to the researcher, finding litigation jobs is fairly simple.

Following is some of the litigation jobs available this field.

Step 1

Litigation Attorneys

Litigation jobs for attorneys: attorneys offer their services to those in need of legal representation. They may work for the defendant or prosecute for the plaintiff. Litigation jobs in this area may be lucrative if the lawyer wins in court. Litigation attorneys do not always represent clients. Professional advice may be given free to those who request it. However, if the case is complex and difficult to bring to court, arbitration or mediation without legal counsel, litigation lawyers will work with clients. They often look for cases that have the potential to be successful in their law careers. Litigation cases include accidents, class action suites, corporations, copyright infringement and debt collection.

Step 2


Litigation jobs for paralegals: the support team in litigation includes paralegals. They speak with clients about cases to ensure that they have all the facts. These professionals are very important to the legal team due to their versatility. Some specialize in corporate cases, probate or labor law. Paralegals should be able to: research cases, review paperwork, communicate with the legal team, work with clients and investigate facts when necessary.

Step 3

Legal Secretaries

Litigation jobs for legal secretaries: this litigation career involves fielding phone calls, taking messages, relaying information to the attorney and other professional duties. Legal secretaries are the first-person clients speak with or see when they seek law services. It is extremely important that the secretary remains professional in all types of situations. A legal firm may lose a client if they are not treated respectively or professionally.

Step 4

Mock Trials

Litigation jobs for mock trial preparation: a mock trial shows the litigation parties all aspects of the litigation process through a pretend scenario held right in the classroom. The roles of judges, juries, prosecutors, defense, correctional officers and all features of the court are played by students. Recruiting the help of an actual litigation attorney to aid in the mock trial adds an element of excitement and interest to the team.

Case Records Clerk

Litigation jobs for case record clerks: studying records of previous cases helps attorneys prepare for court by stating known findings in past court cases. Records can be obtained from the U.S. Supreme Court website, as well as the specific states government sites.

Step 5


Litigation jobs for interviewers: conduct interviews with various legal professionals and witnesses in a specific case. Interviews should include one from all angles of a trial and consist of questions formed while reviewing the evidence surrounding the case.


Attend an accredited college for any litigation jobs degree.

Wear a clean suit on any job interview.
