
The labor market is getting tougher everyday. Getting a good job is much more difficult than a needle passing through the eyes of a camel. There are thousands of applicants seeking for the same job that you are currently applying for. Thus job searching is very competitive. To be successful at job searching, you must distinguish yourself and stand out from the crowd. You should be able to prove to your prospective employers that you are the best candidate for the job.
Step 1
The aim of a recruitment exercise is to match the right person with the right job. Therefore the first step to a successful job searching is to apply for a job in which you have the required education, experience and skills. This should be a key factor in your decision to apply for a job. Once you are satisfied that you possess the required skills, education and experience, you can send your CV and cover letter to your prospective employer.
Step 2
A CV is the marketing tool of a job seeker. A CV is the first contact between a job seeker and his/her prospective employer. Your CV will give you the opportunity to convince those who have the power to hire you that you are the right candidate for the job. This is why your CV should be well packaged. There should be no room for error, otherwise it will end in the trash bin. Apart from basic information like personal data, educational background and working experience, you should include achievements in your previous jobs . For example, an accountant looking for an accounting job should state an accounting system developed to solve a particular problem in his/her previous job. You should also include innovations you will bring to your prospective job. Companies are looking for staff that will help them save money or make money. Thus a job seeker with a well packaged CV has a good chance of getting an invitation for an interview. This is a very important step in job searching.
Step 3
An invitation for an interview will give you a second opportunity to impress your prospective employers.The essence of an interview is to assess the capabilities of a candidate and to determine their ability to fit into the corporate culture of an organization. An interview will give you the opportunity to physically display your skills and knowledge to your prospective employer. Before going for the interview, do your homework on the company. Find out as much as possible about the company. Visit their website and talk to current and past employees. Read anything you can find about the company. This will give you enough information to adequately prepare for the interview and increase your success at job searching. You need to dress appropriately for the interview.You should always dress in professional attire even if the job happens to be a blue collar job. The fact that you have taken time to make yourself presentable will definitely impress the interview panel. While answering questions from the interview panel, your answers should focus more on the results you can achieve at the company. Explaining to the panel how you can use your knowledge and skills to improve the fortunes of your prospective employer will convince them that you will be an valuable asset to the organization. Also ability to convince them that you are a team player will increase your success at job searching. You need to prove to them that you will fit into their corporate culture. To be successful at job searching requires the right information and hard work on the part of the job seeker. Ability to prove that you will be the best asset among the lots applying for the job to your prospective employer will definitely get you the job.