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How To Job Search

Published at 04/03/2012 16:24:12


In order for you to have an effective job hunting session, you must have good information as well as good skills in order to know where to look and have successful outcomes. How to job search starts with three significant factors. You have to know what your goals and skills are, you have to have a good understanding of the labor market wherever you are, and you have to have a well planned job search campaign. It is good to start early when you really want to get a job. It is advised that a good window period before the actual date is between six to nine months prior to when you would actually like to get employed. A career centre is a good place to start visiting if you are not sure of your career path.

Here are some steps that can show you how to job search when the time comes.

Step 1

Step 1: How to job search with you. You have to look at yourself and analyze yourself in terms of your values, your skills and your interests. These are the key areas that you have to look at. This can be a time consuming process but it shall help you identify what you want from a job as well as what you are ready to offer future employers. When we talk about values, we mean the qualities that are important and desirable to you as far as a career is concerned. For example, would you want to work as part of a team or are you looking to have a job that requires minimum supervision? What kind of professional status do you want? Do you appreciate mental challenges? What is your vision as far as financial rewards is concerned? When looking at how to job search, this is a very important starting point because it gives you clarity, vision and purpose. Interests have to do with areas that arouse your attention and make you enthusiastic. Interests can be identified through looking at life activities that take your time pleasurably and the dreams that you have. When we look at skills, it means that thing that you can do well.

Step 2

Step 2: The next thing on how to job search is through seeking internships and volunteer work which are usually easier and faster to get because they are considered a learning process and do not cost the company too much in terms of material resources. After this, you will be able to choose a career field. This is now when you can start to target employers. There are different ways of doing this. You can start by preparing your resumes and application letters that are tailored to reflect your qualifications as they relate to the interests of future employers.

Step 3

Step 3: Also on how to job search, you can send these applications to the employer’s contacts that you already might have, or to the contacts that you will get when you search the web. There are some job websites also that allow you to post your application and resume online. You should not count on these alone.

Step 4

Step 4: According to the Harvard Business Review on how to job search, almost 80 per cent of openings available are usually never advertised. Therefore, when applying for the jobs found in these advertising pages either in newspapers or through the web, it is always good to address the future employer directly by name; this will get more attention than the thousands of applications that they usually get at a go. On how to job search, it is also important to contact network; that is professionals who are in the field that you are interested in becoming a part of. You can also contact your future employers directly if you can. This way you get a chance to make an impression and they are less likely to forget you. Just make sure the impression that you create will last, in a positive way.

Step 5

Step 5: Ensure that you follow up on your application after sending resumes or after being interviewed. It also pays to be persistent in your search, this is paramount on how to job search. Do not give up.


This can be how well you handle problems or tasks. Your skills can also be transferable skills if they are skills that deem useful across a wide variety of work environments.

