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About Management Sales Jobs

Published at 04/03/2012 22:40:38


One of the most high profile jobs in many companies is that position of sales manager. A sales manager must be able to manage well and be willing to take on a lot of responsibility. Anyone in a sales management position will be expected to manage a team of employees as well as provide support and motivation.

Where Sales Management Jobs are Found

Any business who sales products or merchandise will most likely have positions for sales management jobs. The sales department of any company is a major component of a business. If sales goals aren’t met and the sales personnel aren’t on their toes, it’s likely to lead to failure of a business.

Sales are what keeps the doors open to any business. Sales management jobs can generally be found in places such as:

  • Retail stores
  • Car lots
  • Vacation rentals
  • Warehouses
  • Banks
  • Restaurants
  • Tourist attractions
  • Shopping malls
  • Special event venues
  • Home improvement stores
  • Call centers
  • Telesales departments

The possibilities are endless when it comes to having choices in sales management jobs. There are tons of places that have the need for sales personnel and management. Being able to provide support, motivation and results are three of the most important things a sales manager will need to be able to do.


One common mistake that sales companies make is to promote from within to a position in sales management. They will sometimes promote a salesperson who has displayed their sales skills by consistently meeting or exceeding the sales goals set forth. Sales management jobs require much more than being able to sale. If someone is great at sales, it doesn’t necessarily mean they will also be a good candidate for sales management.

Good candidates for jobs in sales management will need the qualities that make them not only a good sales person, but they will also need the ability to manage.

As a sales manager, people find themselves managing many aspects of the sales within the company. To be a good sales manager, you must be able to solve problems, motivate people and provide reports to those higher-up’s in the company that expect to see results.

Sales management jobs can be stressful positions in that a manager will have a great deal of responsibility for the entire sales department. In addition to their daily job related tasks, a sales manager will need to help their sales team succeed.
You can expect to have sales meetings, training, and continued education opportunities in sales management jobs.

The pay scale for sales management jobs will vary. Some will offer a decent compensation, benefits package and commission. Many times it depends on the products or services you are selling and the size of the company.

Overall, sales management jobs are a pretty good position to be in, but a person must be able to work with their sales team in an effort to provide the success that is expected. Meeting and exceeding those expectations are sure to keep you in a position of management where you may eventually advance to a position that pays better and inflicts less stress.


Tips and comments

Sales managment jobs are positions that reqiure you have certain qualifications and notable experience. 
