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How to find dog walking jobs in new york

Published at 02/23/2012 02:21:46


Many people long to learn how to find jobs in New York walking dogs for a living. This a great career field for those energetic people who get along well with other people's pets. It is crucial to have a solid business plan to guarantee a successful outcome with the endeavor. How a person markets their dog walking business will depend on the goals set. It is important to advertise creatively to find a baseline of regular customers. Incentives and other promotions can get a business started. A person who is willing to work hard and is reliable will go far in this business. There are not many jobs in New York that let you be your own boss.

Step 1

Decide on a plan of action to promote your goal of how to find dog walking jobs in New York. Anyone who starts a new business must have goals and ideas to make the venture a success. Some dog walkers only work certain hours of the day or night. It does take some effort to plan what dogs to walk when. It is an excellent idea to research how others in the business are doing the job. Studying the competition can give a prospective dog walker inspirations for their own dog walking career plans. It is important that the person who takes on this sort of job have a love of dogs. These little charges deserve to be treated well while in the care of a stranger.

Step 2

Realize that dog walking jobs in New york are a bit different from rural canine walkers. A dog that is cooped up in an apartment all day will want to get as much exercise and freedom when out for their daily walk. It is a terrific idea to have a plan on where to walk the dogs. Some dog walkers take their charges to a park or other interesting outdoor site. Where a dog is walked will depend on the condition of the dog, the proximity of parks and how much time is needed for the outing. These are all parts of the business that need to be planned out before embarking into this business. Many dog walkers simply walk dogs right in their own neighborhoods. This is one of the few jobs in New York that gets people outdoors into the sunlight.

Step 3

Find a way to gain experience working with a variety of dogs. The ideal candidate for this sort of work will be at ease with many breeds of dogs. There are ways to learn about dogs on the Internet by visiting websites. There are also numerous books on the subject of dogs and their expected behavior. It is important for a person who is searching for dog walking jobs in New York to understand the different breeds of dogs and their normal behaviours. Many people who choose this line of work decide to only walk certain breeds or sizes of dogs. Another thing to consider is whether different dogs can be walked together without problems.

Step 4

Learn how to deal with the business side of this adventurous job. A dog walker who takes jobs in New York will need to know how to set fair prices and still make a profit. Great organizational ability is important when deciding which dogs to walk when. A business venture could fail because a dog was not taken out at the proper time. Reliability is key to making a go at this endeavor. People who work all day will expect that the dog walker that they hire will live up to their promises. A person who strives to enter this field have a variety of jobs in New York providing they know where to look.

Step 5

Plan out an organized marketing strategy that will get the right amount of business that can be handled. It is better to start small and increase your business to make sure the plans and goals are realistic. Remember, reliability and trust are two very important character traits to ensure a successful career. There are many jobs in New York that are there for the taking. Walking dogs is an easy way to make some cash, while getting exercise yourself. The great thing is that a person can make their own schedule, work around another job time frame and offer services that are unique to build a satisfied clientele base. Post fliers, utilize community bulletin boards and advertise in local publications. Make sure to give contact information.


  • Make use of technology such as computers to make business planning easier.
  • Market in a unique fashion that other competitors are not utilizing.
  • Work hard, be reliable and watch your business grow by word of mouth.
