Legal Lawyer

5 Types Of Law Lawyers

Published at 03/20/2012 12:07:35


Law is a broad field with many disciplines; in general, law lawyers can be grouped into five categories. Once in a while you will find yourself in need of an attorney. Some of the reasons why you may need an attorney include: divorce issues, auto issues, criminal charges, injury cases and matters dealing with succession.

Step 1

Whatever your reason maybe, it is essential to enlist the services of a lawyer who deals with the kind of service you need. The 5 types of law lawyers include:

Step 2

Elder law attorneys:

These law lawyers deal with matters concerning senior citizens. Age comes with many sicknesses and ailments; sadly, memory loss is one of them. It is thus important to put your affairs in order with the help of an elder law lawyer. They deal with matters such as wills, trusts, succession, retirement benefits and estate planning. The lawyer is also mandated to represent his client in cases pertaining mental, emotional or even physical abuse. If you an elderly person it is advisable to have an elder lawyer whom you can trust since he will be handling financial and trust matters.

Step 3

Juvenile law lawyers:

If you are a parent or guardian, your worst nightmare is to have your child involved in a legal tussle. However, now more than ever, teenagers and young adults are often involved in criminal cases mainly due to negative peer pressure. When such a situation arises, it best to seek the professional expertise of a juvenile lawyer. They specialize in cases where minors are involved. The juvenile age in most states is 18 and below.

Step 4

Criminal law attorneys:

Criminal law lawyers come in when one has been accused of committing a crime. Whenever you are accused of any crime, it is advisable to seek the expertise of a criminal lawyer who will help prove your innocence. There are many criminal law lawyers, and it is in your best interest to go for a qualified and experienced attorney.

Step 5

Personal injury attorneys:

Accidents are inevitable, they can be auto or work related. If you incur injuries in the line of duty or by an accident, it is recommended to enlist the services of personal injury law lawyers. If you want a fair settlement you should go for a lawyer whose primary case file is personal injury. Experience is very important in such cases; it can make the difference between loosing and winning. Such lawyers can also help you in case you are harmed by a defective product.


There are a couple of instances in your day to day life when you may need legal aid. It is wise to be aware of the different type of law lawyers at your disposal. Whenever, you are faced with a legal issue, it is best to consult a lawyer who specializes in that particular field of law. Perfection in any field is achieved through specialization and the same applies to law. Attorneys are very useful in giving you guidance on how to approach certain legal matters that you may be involved in.

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