Music Lyrics

Retrieving After Lyrics Gone

Published at 03/26/2012 21:48:26


Searching for the lyrics of your favorite songs represents a great way of following the particular melodies that you like, as well as understanding the meaning behind them. There are a lot of different lyric websites that you can enter and find the lyrics for your favorite songs. During the past few years, YouTube has also become a main source for lyrics which eliminates the risk of lyrics gone too.

Having Lyrics Gone

When you’re looking for the lyrics of a song on various websites, you might suddenly realize that the lyrics have vanished from that web page. Having lyrics gone from your screen might mean that that certain website doesn’t feature lyrics on that certain link anymore. On the other hand, it might have another meaning that is represented by the fact that you accidentally pressed the wrong button and made the lyrics gone by you.

Retrieving Lyrics

Good ways of making sure that you won’t have to go through having lyrics gone suddenly (because you instantly pressed the Close button) are having a certain feature activated. According to this option, your Internet browser is always going to restore your last session. This way, the last lyric website that you accessed will instantly appear on your screen.

It can be very annoying to have lyrics gone right when you’re listening to a song because all your enjoyment will be gone as well. In order to prevent that, you need to know how to open the last page that you closed. As long as you know a combination of keys that offers you the possibility to re-open the tab that you closed by mistake, you don’t need to worry about the fact that your lyric website disappeared.

Therefore, retrieving lyrics gone can be easily achieved by pressing the following combination: Ctrl + Shift + T. As simple as it is, there are many people who have no idea that they can actually retrieve the last page that they opened and then closed. Chances are that you didn’t know either which is why Internet proves to be a useful tool once again, being a great way of helping you to find the lyrics that you lost.

If you didn’t know about this combination of keys before, you have probably gone through the effort of opening a new tab again and search for the lyrics that you were looking at before. However, those of you who only discovered lyrics recently and forgot about the name of the song might have a hard time searching for the exact page where they found the lyrics at.


If you remember that you opened a website that provides lyrics, you only have one solution which is represented by going through the lyrics search engines and trying to look for the lyrics of that certain song you had opened. Listening to that same song while searching for lyrics is a good idea because this way you will still have the melody in your mind. Therefore, you might be able to guess the most part of the lyrics and type those exact words in the search box.
