Music Songs

The Best South Park Songs

Published at 03/27/2012 11:55:47


Since the inception of the funny television program ‘South Park’ 13 years ago, it has remained one of the most watched animated series in America. One of the reasons why people love it so much how they are able to offer their humorous thoughts on the world events or/and pop culture through songs with catchy melodies. Not only are their stories funny but the songs are hilarious as well! Below are the top south park songs:

1. Uncle F*cker (Bigger, longer and Uncut)

Although this is one of the best South park songs, it is not sung by the boys. They actually hear this obscenity filled song as they watch their first big screen movie. The boys pick up the obscenities and take the language to their school and that’s when the culture war erupts. It is also one of the most immature south park songs of all time which comes complete with dueling farts. Although there are a lot of obscenities the melody of the song is fun and catchy which makes people overlook the fact that the song is ridiculous.

2. Wendy’s Song (The things you can do with a finger)

Wendy who is Stan’s girlfriend is usually an innocent and high-achieving student but when the chance to audition for the fifth spot in the boy band ‘Finger bang’ comes around she jumps on the chance. She proves that she is able to sing and shock almost as well as the boys although her performance is full of unfinished sentences which make this one of the best south park songs ever.

3. Kyle’s Mom’s a Bitch (bigger, longer and Uncut)

This is also another one of the best of south park songs which is hummable although lewd as is most of the south park songs. The unique song goes on to show fans just how truly talented Trey Parker actually is. Although the lyrics may come off as offensive to some people as in the other south park songs, the tune of this song is catchy and fun.

4.What, what (In the But) – Canada on Strike

As usually this is another one of the best south park songs that is lewd which the boys use in an attempt to make money. They actually use a video of Butters singing another real life internet song by the same name. They get millions of viewers but they soon discover that the number of viewers does not translate into much money.

5.Chocolate Salty Balls (Chef aid)

In the episode ‘Chef’s salty chocolate balls”, the R&B singer Isaac hayes joins the school as a chef where he invents a confectionary treat with a perverse name that makes the whole town especially women flock to his kitchen. Although the song is a little over the top in terms of sex undertones where the chef is giving instructions on how to suck on his chocolate salty balls, it is one of the best south park songs that fans enjoyed listening to.
