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Homes City Vs Rural Living

Published at 02/17/2012 03:41:59


Choosing whether to live in a rural setting or city homes is a decision that should be made based on the likes and desires of those who will be living in the homes in city or rural homes. Both have advantages and disadvantages. In order to make an informed decision for yourself, make a list of homes city vs rural pros and cons. Choose a time when you are not feeling rushed to sit down with a paper and pen. It may be a good idea to get the entire family involved in the decision on whether to look for homes city, or homes rural.


Taking notes on what each area offers is a good way to help determine which area is best for you and your family. One one side of the paper write homes city and on the other side homes rural. The top half of the paper should be for benefits of each area and the bottom part for negatives about each area.

Begin by listing all the good things that you can come up with to write on the homes city side of the paper. You could for example write about being close to shopping, dining out, and theater. Less travel time to get to work may be another bonus. Do the same for the homes rural side.

For the homes city cons section, think about any negative aspects you might be able to think of when it comes to city living. Some might be, neighbors being too close, heavy traffic, more noise. Once you have your list of negatives on the homes city section, do the same for rural homes.


Study all columns on your sheet of paper. Determine whether homes city has more or less positives than the rural homes. You also want to determine which has more negative aspects.

By studying your results, it should better enable you to make a decision on whether city or rural living is right for you.

If you have always had your home in the city or always had your home in a rural area, you should take the time to get the feel for the new area. Check into a hotel in the city, or a bed and breakfast in a rural area to get the feel for how living there will be.


Tips and comments

Both city living and rural living have fans. Some would hate to live in a city, while others cannot imagine being anywhere else. The main determining factor will generally be your lifestyle. City living is noisier and busier, while rural living is more laid back. If you are always on the go and love being busy and surrounded by people, the city may the place for you. On the other hand, if you value your privacy and like your peace and quiet, you may like the rural area.

If you have children be sure to check on the schools and activities for kids in any area you think about moving to. This may help with your final decision.



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