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Get the Best Deals For City Homes For Sale

Published at 02/28/2012 19:13:39


Most people fall into one of two categories when it comes to house hunting. People are either looking for city homes for sale, or country homes for sale. Those who want city homes for sale, enjoy the sounds, and the hustle and bustle of city living. These people enjoy knowing that everything is close by, dining, shopping, theater and other attractions are generally minutes away, sometimes even just steps outside one's front door.

Finding city homes for sale can be a challenge at times, they are often expensive, due to them being so close to everything. Cities are also crowded and building space is at a premium since both businesses and housing is competing for the same space. However there are a few things that you can do to make the dream of finding reasonable city homes for sale, a reality.

Step 1

Put the word out that you are looking for city homes for sale. Someone you know, may know someone who is anxious to sell. Many times a company will transfer a worker to another part of the country or even out of the country. This makes selling their current home a priority since no one wants to be responsible for paying two mortgages. Making a quick offer might get you the house you want at a great price.

Step 2

Place your own ad. Classifieds or Craigslist is a good place to discuss what you are looking for. List your wish list and your budget, then wait for calls and emails to come in. Placing your own ad for city homes for sale gets the word out to a large number of people who may be looking to sell. There are some people who want to sell, but are not to the point that they are ready to put their house on the market, however, they may consider responding to your ad and allow you to see the house and make your offer.

Step 3

Consider a house that needs some work. When you are out looking at city homes for sale, do not automatically discount a house that needs some work. If the house is offered at a great price, it may be worth putting the effort in to fix it up. This is especially true for homes that have mainly cosmetic issues that are easily fixed.

Step 4

Look into short sales. Some people avoid short sales due to the fact that the process of closing and getting moved in is a lot longer. It can actually take several months. However, a short sale house is generally listed at a great bargain price. If you can handle the wait, this might be a way to find gorgeous city homes for sale at a fraction of what comparable homes in the same area are being sold for.

Step 5

Look for houses that are for sale by owner. When a homeowner is handling the sale themselves, they are saving money that would have been spent on Realtor fees. Many times knowing this, they will work with a potential buyer to reach an agreement even if that means lowering the price a bit.


Do not be afraid to make an offer. If you like a house but find the price too steep, offer less. The homeowner may no, but they also may agree to accept the offer.


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