Sports Football

5 Things You Should Know About Slime Football

Published at 03/05/2012 17:05:25


Most people with computers love online games. They are fun time pass games that are easy to play and win. Computer users constantly search the web for new games. If your one of those people than slime games are definitely for you. Most people when they hear the word slime game expect to have game in which slime is thrown around the place. But this is not the case; the makers of these cool games have a totally different idea in their mind. In these games slime are the players. Based on similar concepts, many games have been come up, the most popular of them are slime basketball, slime football and slime volleyball. All these games have great user interface and are fun to play with online.


The first slime game created was slime volleyball; the creator of this game is still unknown. In 1999 a Computer Science student named Clive Gout found the game on the internet and got immediately addicted to its simple game play. He later sent the game to many of his college mates and seniors. When Quin Pendragon a first year student of the same college received Clive’s mail, he got very fascinated by the game. However, he wished to make minor changes in the game. After working on the game for few months he released his version of slime games which was an instant hit all over the internet. This led them to develop many other games with the same concept. Around 30 different games have been created and most of the games are made on real sports games. Of all the games developed slime football and slime volleyball are the most played games.


The main feature of the game is that it can be played by two people on the same system. There is also a version developed by Quin Pendragon’s friend in which a single player can play against the computer. This option is available as world cup mode. Names of soccer playing nations are used for identifying the players. It’s a simple flash based game and does not require to be downloaded. Slime football can be played directly on its main website. The game controls are also simple up, down, left, right arrow, w, a, s and d used. In the game the slime can move forward, backward and jump. The game timing of slime football can be changed to 1, 2, 4, 8 minutes using options given. The game also has progressive levels to compete and increases the challenge of the game accordingly.

Tips and comments

This is one of the best free games available on the net. The main site is run by its fans and does not require any registration or membership. They also upgrade the software adding new features from time to time. If you are smart enough you can even join the community and make a slime game of your own. If you like killing time playing computer games like slime football is just made for you. It’s sure to give you satisfaction and a good break from your regular day.
