Sports Football

What Kind Of Gloves To Wear When Playing Football

Published at 03/03/2012 03:13:21

What Kind Of Gloves To Wear When Playing Football

Football gloves are esential equipment that not all footballers prefer using but there are some footballers who use football gloves such as receivers, running backs, lineman and defensive men as well. It basically is a personal choice but if used it is better as it protects from all kinds of hand and wrist injuries principally. Most of the receivers wear gloves so that they can catch the balls and so that when their hands and palms are sweaty they do not have to worry about the fact that while catching the ball. These gloves are very slick, soft and flexible so that it does not cause any difficulties in hand and wrist movements. Football gloves are generally made up of leather and synthetic materials which come with wrist closures to keep the gloves in place. There are many kinds of football gloves which are made for the specific uses of the receivers, lineman and goalkeepers. The gloves used by linemen are usually thick with padding as they serve the purpose of protecting both their fingers and hands. While there are gloves such as all position gloves which can be used by anyone and it can serve all purposes.


It can be a difficult job while deciding which football gloves to use or wear while playing football, it is always recommended to use something which is comfortable and does the basic job of protecting as well as fits well to the player. There are some football gloves which are the best and serve really well as protective gloves such as Magnigrip gloves.

Magnigrip gloves

The Manigrip is for players whose hands get all sweaty and clammy while playing.  This glove is pretty lightweight and fits securely as well as absorbs all the moisture off the hands so the player does not get weighed down by the thick padded gloves and feels as if he is not wearing any protective gear in his hands. These gloves can be used by receivers, running backs and cornerbacks and it would be ideal for them. Moreover, these gloves are well ventilated and snuggly fit the player.

Other tipes of football gloves

Warm weather gloves: - These gloves can be used by all kinds of players in all kinds of weather, they are lightweight and keep the hands dry and cool. It is great for ball control and speed.

Cutter’s gloves: - They are certainly lightweight .They are durable and can help superb ball control. While raining and snowing, these work wonders and control the sweat.

Padded gloves: - They have a pacified fell and the major and big difference from standard receiver gloves is the extra padding. These gloves are mostly used by receivers, running backs, and linebackers.

Lineman Gloves (D-Tack):- These gloves have extra padding in the back of the hand in order to protect the lineman’s hands during the game.


These football gloves are the best and it is important to buy gloves which fit properly and help with ventilation which in order helps to play well and avoid injuries or ball control. Invest in some great gloves and feel yourself elevated when you play and avoid all issues. Gloves being an important part of the protective gear must be worn by all the players and should be made a mandatory part of the uniform.
