Sports Football

What Is English Football

Published at 03/12/2012 18:44:23


If someone is thinking what the most popular sport nowadays is, there won’t be much to think about or to research because the English football is monopolizing everything starting with TV and continuing with the men’s free time.


Originated from China, the English football is 2000 years old. Taken over by the English people and popularized starting with the fifteenth century through the competitions between the public schools and universities, it gained proportions over time. It became England’s national sport and they spread them all over the world because of its simple playing rules. There were many versions of this sport throughout the world and even throughout England’s regions until the first Football Association was founded in England in the 19th century and outlined the modern rules.
Whether they are amateurs or professional, around 240 millions people in the worldwide play this game. It is played by two teams of 11 members. On a grass field equipped with two gates at each end belonging to every team. There is also a ball called football which the players are supposed to throw it through their adversary gate in order to obtain a point called goal. The thing which makes this sport so interesting is that the players are not allowed to touch the ball with the hands. So they need to make use of all sorts of tricks with their legs and to run very fast with the football to get to the opposite gate and score a goal. They can use their hands only when executing an outside. For a smooth running of the game. Football referees are always present. They can offer red cards when a player takes over the ball aggressively or doesn’t respect one of the rules.


If in the past, this was a simple game. Now the English football is an important international sport regulated by the International Federation of Association Football (FIFA). Based in Zurich, Switzerland. This organization has the role to supervise football rules compliance during international football competitions like the World Cup or the Olympic Football Tournament.

Every country held yearly a national competition of football between well organized teams but none of them is more popular and competitive than the one held in Great Britain and called the Premier League. These are statistically proven facts and confirmed by the UEFA, the Union of European Football Associations. The English football has a pyramidal structure meaning that depending on performance indicators only a few clubs get in the Premier League. While some promote in this system, others relegate to a lower level. Yearly, the best 20 teams belonging to certain football clubs play against each other to win this contest. The club which won a significant number of championships in England across the time is Manchester United followed by Arsenal and Chelsea.

Tips and comments

All this said, the English football is that sport promoted by the English people which suppose leading the ball into the opponents’ gate for scoring a goal without breaking the game’s rules. Considered the king sport of numerous countries worldwide. No one plays the English football like the Englishmen themselves.
