Sports Football

What You Should Know About Football. I

Published at 03/21/2012 22:15:53


Think about the word Football.Like many others, we consider that it is one of the most popular games in the world. Nowadays, many of us mistake American football with European football, better known as “soccer”. There are many testimonies that reveal the fact that similar sports that implied a ball, some rules and involved the use of the feet, date since ancient times. However, American football has its origins in the British game played in the mid-19th century. Along the development of the sport and with the emergence of technology, electronic games were created. There was a significant downtrend of the number of persons who went out and played Football. I and not only, regard this as a loss of the game’s touch, even though informatics managed to take this on a totally different level.

Matell, Inc. and Football I

Matell, one of the most well-known companies that make electronic games, started to include among its products board games and video game consoles. Football I appeared in 1977 and it is also known simply as Football. I researched and found out that the variation of the name is due to the date of its release. Later on, a second version appeared; therefore they needed to make a clear difference. Matell had a huge success with Football. I observed that this handheld game was a must-have. Children throughout America, but not only, increased significantly the company’s revenue in just a few years. There is also a very interesting thing concerning Football. I noticed that on the first version there are only 9 yards and I managed to find out why. At first it was thought that the game was created like that due to design problems, but actually the reason was technical problems. You can check anytime the Matell Trivia website, where you will read more information about Football. I have to say that it is a good source that can clarify many inquiries.

The game and its influence

The former version of the game had a different layout than the latter. Apart from this, the main version also had an AC Adapter jack that has been removed. Of course, in time the box and the features of the handheld game changed, but nonetheless it had a huge influence on America’s citizens, especially on children. Pictures showing pupils on field trips with their teachers and playing Football I are very clear evidence. A photo says more than 1000 words, and what can you expect when even in the middle of nature’s beauty kids focused their attention on the handheld game of Football. I think it was a huge success, and Harold Matson and Elliot Handler, the two owners of Mattel, enjoyed the new change that happened back then.

The game nowadays

Many things suffered significant changes in almost 5 decades. Today, you can find a similar version online. Video game consoles are so popular that any game lover has one. If you do not want to play online for free and you aim for better quality, then you can purchase it from any store. Due to the game variety, you will not be able to tell for sure if it is the closest version to Football. I find it intriguing that after such a long period people still search for the original one.
