Sports Football

How To Attend Football Academy

Published at 03/22/2012 17:00:54


 If you think that nothing is impossible and if you wish with all your heart to engage in a football career, then you better make sure that your application will receive a positive answer. Many young boys have this dream and they show high potential when it comes to accomplish it. Nonetheless, not all are prepared and some just have tough luck. But if you do not give up and you are sure that this is what you really want, then the prize will be worth the fight. In the following paragraphs you will read some things you need to know about attending a football academy.

Step 1

Be honest with yourself. A first step would be to look into the mirror and analyse yourself thoroughly. Do you meet the requirements? Will you be able to manage during your stay there? Are you the right person for this? If the answer to all these questions is “yes” then you are a step ahead of the ones who just dream about it. Therefore, try to evaluate yourself in order to see if you will handle the football academy.

Step 2

Do some research! Before thinking about applying to a football academy, start browsing the internet, talk with your family, with your friends, with people that can give you a good advice. You can also read articles related to the impact of the academy on others, or enter forums and ask people who are already enlisted how things are going. Remember that this will be one of the most important, if not the most important decision you will ever take. Make sure you are well informed because you cannot afford surprises. Take it seriously!

Step 3

Choose the right football academy. After you made up your mind and you are sure that you want to follow a career in football, pick the football academy that best suits you. Take into consideration the tuition, the campuses, the reviews and the academic program. Try to find as much information as you can in order to not be disappointed after you applied. The football academy will be your home for the following years, so you must think clearly before deciding. Of course, you are not restricted to only one. You can apply to many academies and then decide where it is best to go.

Step 4

Fill in the application form. This is the last step before you send it. You can go on the university’s official site and you can fill it in directly from there. It will take you about 30 minutes due to the fact that you must write down all your personal details. Most of them also require a short essay where you must state why you want to apply to that football academy. Do not rush when you apply! This is among the most important documents that you must send.

Step 5

Attach your resume and cover letter. Even if the football academy does not state this as a requirement, you will make a better impression. When you write the cover letter, try to cover all aspects and elaborate it in a professional manner. The last thing you want is to be rejected because you did not use a formal language.


A football academy is not a place where anyone can study. In order to be accepted in such an institution you need to be among the best.

