Sports Football

What You Should Know About Football Wildcats

Published at 03/19/2012 19:17:15


The football wildcats formation is an offense formation which a football team forms
during a football match. It is a scheme that the American and Canadian football wildcats
team follows to get the entire game to them. Football wildcats formation has been used
at every level of the football games including NFL, NCAA etc. the actual name given
to this football wildcats formation was the “dual” formation. This offense scheme
distinguishes from all the other schemes as it includes the running back and unbalanced
offense line, which is never used in any other offense scheme. Football wildcats
formation scheme is something that keeps the defense team at a guessing point. They are
never able to guess what the offense line has planned in opposition to them. The football
wildcats formation threatens the defense team and is successful in winning the football
match.That is the reason the Wildcats are so popular as they take you by surprise everytime


Football wildcats formation is a scheme that has been in use of the football teams since
the year 1990. This football wildcat’s formation was invented by Billy Ford and Ryan
Wilson. The football wildcats formation was first implemented by the coach Tubby
Raymond on the Delaware football team. The football wildcats formation scheme was
said to be very successful for them. There are other coaches who also implemented this
football wildcats formation scheme as an offensive formation. There have been books
written on this formation and what it gets for the players.


The football wildcats formation had to be something that made the football team win.
This was the ebst offense line for the players of that time. This football wildcat’s
formation was much popularized among all the football teams and they tried
implementing it. Even in the year 2006, this scheme was being used by many coaches.
Something that attracted every football team about this football wildcats scheme was
that it threatened the opposing team. It didn’t give them a clue of what the offense team
was about to do. It had a distinguished line that was very unbalanced and it seemed as
if the offense team was in a mess. But in the contrary, the offense team was forming
the football wildcats formation that confused the defense team. This formation was
something that made the football teams wins against the other teams.

Tips and comments

Football wildcats formation is something that the football teams of today should also
follow. Football wildcats formation has that technique to confuse the defense team by
creating an unbalanced offense line. It threatens the defense line as they have no idea
what the opposing team is going to do. The football wildcats formation has been followed
for many years and must be implemented to raise the standards of the game today.
Football wildcats formation van also make the loosing team win and encourage the other
teams to implement the same scheme in order to revive the older traditions. The Wildcats
have lived up to the reputation they created for themselves 
