Sports Football

Top 10 Football Common Injuries

Published at 03/27/2012 15:38:40


Football has been known to be a very passionate game throughout the ages, with this passion comes common football injuries. The rules governing the game have been adjusted time and again in an effort to ensure that the possibilities of common football injuries are reduced. Common football injuries occur during tackles, falls and at times punching. All these can lead to sprains, concussions and breaks which are not only expensive to treat but can also be life threatening. Common football injuries can range from simple annoyances as turf toe to more life threatening injuries that requires quick medical attention. A turf toe may be just a nuisance but it has the ability to keep players off the field for days on end. Usually the condition occurs when a player kicks the ball over and over again or when the player’s foot is pushed in to the ground. Common football injuries include following.


Cervical Spine Injury

This is among the common football injuries usually caused by high velocity impact common during celebratory moments as the crowds roar and multiple players jump on top of a fellow player.

Neck Injury

This is one of the common football injuries especially for quarterbacks who are always craning their necks in order to see well as they hop from one obstacle to another and race for the opponent’s goal. The injury can also occur when they are tacked violently by opponents as they race up towards the goal.

Knee Injury

It’s among the common football injuries which occur as player's runs, jumps and tackles. All these activities put pressure on the knees causing dislocation.

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Broken Nose

This is considered as one of the most common football injuries as most veterans argue that one is not a seasoned player as long as they have not suffered from it at least once. It occurs on impact when players fall or as players jump on to another player when they are on the ground lying facedown.

Head Injury

This occurs during hard tackles from the back of the knees bring the player down fast and furious on head first. Not even a good helmet can prevent an injury in such circumstances though it can reduce the impact.

Black Eye

This is also among the most common football injuries occurring during hard tackles that land a foot or a hand on the face or when a football is thrown and lands smack in the face of the player.

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Broken Teeth

This occurs when the player is pushed hard on their face falling face first to the ground. In such instances if the face hits the ground with force or players jump on top of the falling player one is likely to come out of the incident with chipped teeth.

Shoulder injury

This can occur when a player reaches down towards a thrown ball.

Sprains and Breaks

These are some of the most common football injuries that occurs during tackles, grabs, falls and pushes.
