Travel Airport

How To Obtain Flight Information At Airport

Published at 02/01/2012 21:05:11


Thousands upon thousands of people fly all over the world on a daily basis. Airlines must operate on organized schedules in order to get these people where they need to go safely, efficiently, and on time (or as close to on time as they possibly can under the circumstances). It's important to be aware of your flight information at all times, starting from the time you first book your flight up until the time you're actually boarding the plane. Airlines often change up the scheduling of certain flights due to various reasons including mechanical issues, plane delays, weather incidents, and other acts of god. Once at airport, it's especially important to double check your flight information to make sure nothing has changed. There are various ways that you can do this. 

Step 1

Once at airport, enter through the doors and proceed towards your airline's ticketing counter. If you need to check bags, get in line to check in. Alternatively, especially if you don't need to check bags, check to see if your airline offers a self-service kiosk at airport to check in and print your boarding pass. You may skip this step altogether once at airport if you happened to have printed your boarding pass out already at home or somewhere else before you arrived at airport. 

Step 2

Ask a ticketing agent at airport for information about your flight as you are checking in. These agents will have the most up to date information regarding your flight and can greatly assist you in finding out exactly what you need to know. This way, if your flight is delayed, you will have ample time to check your watch, go to the bathroom, go shopping in the gift shops and magazine stores (or the duty free shops if you're lucky), or drink at the bar, perhaps finishing off with a delectable bite to eat. You can do all of these things at airport while waiting for a delayed flight or if you're on standby. 

Step 3

Look around you and you're bound to find a row of television sets strategically placed together at eye level. These television sets at airport provide up to the minute flight information for both arrivals and departures. If you were unable to speak with a ticketing agent, or if he or she was just plain rude to you and you didn't like their attitude, these television sets can help you determine everything you need to know at airport regarding your flight. 


In this digital day and age in which we live, the conveniences of technology are many. As a result, another great way of finding flight info at airport is if you have a smart phone such as an iPhone or a Blackberry. You can go online either to your airline's website or the airport's website, look up your flight info, and have it right there at your fingertips while you're already at airport. 

If all else fails, just keep your ears open. As long as you checked into your flight on time, if you happen to have missed getting the proper flight info at airport, the airline will page you if you are late or if they need to find you. However, do not abuse this, as they will not wait long for you and you don't want the plane to leave you at airport, forcing you to take a standby flight and potentially exposing you to unwanted fees and penalties. 

Sources and Citations
