
A perfect vacation is something every individual looks forward to every time a holiday season approaches. Occasional hangout with your friends cannot always be as refreshing for you as a vacation to somewhere interesting. Whether you’re living in the urban areas or the country side, beaches are something that makes the perfect vacation spots for almost everyone. Break from your daily routines to sun baths and sandy coast lines with waves splashing on your feet is nothing less than heavenly. To make it even better, there are beaches of Texas to experience. Texas vacations will give you a mix of history, culture and lovely beaches.

Texas beaches have a rich historical significance, with various expeditions dating back to 15th century. When a Spanish expedition in search for legendary Montezuma’s gold arrived on these beaches, dying of thirst here, they noticed drinkable water which now is known as Brazor River. Then, the Battle of Velasco for the freedom of Texas was fought on coastline of Texas. Moreover, the Grand Surfside Hotel was the first resort ever built, right here in Texas, giving a kick start to Texas vacations. The surfside was given the name of Surfside Beach in 1988. The Texas port played a pivotal role in Civil War, providing shelter, clothing and food for blockade runners. In 1929, the Brazor River was moved by engineering, since the river bed brought too much silt to these beaches, making it wider and wider.

Before heading out for Texas vacations, you should know what places are to be visited to spend your free days. Texas beaches primarily comprise of three islands, namely Galveston Island, South Padre Island and Mustang Island. Vacations in this region are also a huge attraction for tourists from around the world. Galveston Island features 32 miles of sandy beaches and is famous for its romantic ambiance. It also provides a perfect escape from busy lives to dip your toes in the Gulf of Mexico and enjoy the warmth of the sun simultaneously. Galveston Island is also famous for its sea food and around 2000 houses over the island make it a very homely experience especially with loved ones by your side. South Padre island was originally named the “white sand” with 34 miles long sandy beaches to enjoy and is home to 306 species of birds. Kite boarding, windsurfing and parasailing here in Texas make your trip even more exciting. Annually 1 million tourists visit South Padre Island making it a lively spot for business and leisure. Mustang Island is a state park, featuring 5 miles of coastline beaches and island ecology for tourists to indulge in. Approximately 600 species of saltwater fish are dwelling in its coastal waters.
Tips and comments
For your Texas vacations, booking at a decent resort is a must. Texas beaches offer a lot of great resorts and it’s very easy to get information about payment structure. Packing the right stuff for your vacation is also very essential. While planning your vacation in Texas, you should pack bathing suits, shampoos and conditioners to wash off the salty waters and sand. If you are a sports fan, Volley ball is a must for you. If you’re going out with your family, then Galveston Island will suit you more as it has that subtle ambiance to it that will not make you feel surrounded by a crowd every time you hit the beach. South Padre Island is more for the party lovers. Apart from this, there is Mustang Island which is more suited for individuals who enjoy combination of some safari trips and beaches.