
Located towards the southeast of the US is the extensive state of Georgia which is east of the Mississippi River and has the Atlantic Ocean on one side. This state is famous for its wild animal safari parks, which attracts visitors for Georgia vacations. These safari parks are built in such a way that they look like real forests in which animals are living like they are in their natural habitat. This safari park is a zoo like area but the only difference is that animals from various exotic counties are bought face to face with the people. It is a drive-through in which one can see the animals from up close. Georgia vacations sound attractive because of the Pine Mountain Wild Animal Safari Park, which is one of a kind and is known as the best maintained safari park all across the world.

The Pine Mountain Wild Animal Safari Park was built in 1991 in Georgia inspired by a safari park that was built in Africa. These parks became very popular after they were first built. In Georgia it led to Georgia vacations as many people from different countries wanted to see the exclusive park.

The Safari Park of Georgia is located in an area of 500 miles and has many attractive features. It not only brings one face to face with the animals but the park also has many sections like the "adventure park" which provides 59 different kinds of rides. There is also the Water Splash Park which is a water park and has many water rides. These various sections in the safari park are maintained and built in the most exclusive way. There is also the food department for the visitors where food is sold at a much cheaper rate as compared to the local restaurants and shops. The experience you get at a safari park is different than that at a zoo because you get surprised at every animal that comes your way and knocks at your door for some sort of treat. These safari parks provide both recreational and educational value, and many schools go on trips to the safari park.
Tips and comments
No matter how much fun the Georgia vacations sound, one must never ignore the precautionary and protective measures and must also not ignore their budget. When one goes to the safari park with family and there are children who tend to get very excited when they see animals, then one must not let them get out of the car or let them pat the animals and things like that. Because you never know when a wild animal might attack and thus, prevent from turning the trip of a lifetime into a tragic experience. One can take the tour of the park in his own vehicle but must ensure that it is safe and that people would not get hurt in any way. The safari park just like imagining yourself in Africa where wild animals are wandering freely, so one must not freak out every time they see an animal close to their vehicle. Just make sure you and your family are safe in the vehicle you are touring in.