Vacations are like a blessing for children. They count each day until the best and the longest holiday period of the year for them, which is during the summer. It is the best vacations for young children is a much needed and awaited break from school. Hanging around with friends, traveling and engaging in sports, these are the popular activities of the summer vacations. Many families pack up their bags and head out on a road trip. In this season the beach, mountains and amusement parks are packed with visitors since they are always the best places to have the best vacations for young children and adults.
Summer vacation usually starts in mid June and lasts until late august, because students and instructors are off from school, typically between six and twelve weeks. Different countries have different timings for their summer vacations. Students participate in programs such as organized sports, summer camps and hanging out with friends and families. Teenagers and high school students usually start a part time job during their summer vacations. Parents also take time off from work, in order to go on a family vacation. Students during this time, may also do summer recreational activities, like take up new hobbies and develop new interests. Many countries have county fairs and carnivals which give the opportunity for students to have fun before the school and colleges start, making the vacations for young children worth living.
Short school years with long vacations are not the norm in Europe, Asia, or South America either. Children in most industrialized countries go to school more days per year and more hours per day than in America. While just sitting in a classroom longer does not necessarily ensure children will learn more, many American teachers spend weeks every fall just reminding kids of what they forgot over the summer holidays. Some teachers, principals, parents, and children believe strongly that three-month summer vacations for young children is not beneficial, it fragments education and wastes tax money. Since the early 1900s, school districts around the country have offered a longer school year or a school calendar of multiple short terms interspersed with many short vacations. Other parents feel just as strongly that short school years and long summer vacations are essential for growing up. For a kid on summer break, this is absolutely the best time of the year. Freedom from the shackles of homework, exams, book reports, and detention, even if only for a few weeks, means unbridled creativity, optimism, fun, and adventure. For kids, summer vacation is great, because there are no deadlines, no homework, and they can invent, imagine, fantasize and aspire to greatness for several long and boring weeks. During the summer vacations, kids can sit on the metaphorical porch swing and think about nothing. They can play catch or just listen to a ballgame on the radio as the sky turns orange and not have to worry about the Monday status meeting. As adults, if we think back about our youth, what really made summer great was that there was nothing to do. It got so boring that we had no choice but to be creative. Without school, homework, and organized events, we had to invent our own play. It was memorable because we had to use our imagination. We found games to play, we found drama, we found competition, we found fun and adventure and we found things that did not exist during the school year, because we were forced to imagine a world of our own.
Tips and comments
So, as we celebrate summer, think back and try to bring some of that optimism and excitement from the first day of summer vacation into work over the next couple months. Vacations for young children, should be taken as the perfect time to let go of school pressures and be creative and work hard to be bored.