Business Food Industry

Know About the Foods Cholesterol Controls

Published at 03/01/2012 19:00:02


Cholesterol has been classified into two types’ namely good cholesterol and bad cholesterol. The sad thing about the bad cholesterol is most of the people who love to eat certain food stuff that is delicious have high concentrations of LDL, i.e. low-density lipoprotein. However, LDL can be reduced by consuming food items that has HDL, i.e. high-density lipoproteins, which is nothing but good cholesterol.


‘We are what we eat’ is a famous saying that determines the health condition of people. This is so true when it comes to levels of cholesterol in the bloodstream of the body. Consuming foods that are high in fat affect the good cholesterol level and thus lead to paralysis, strokes, high blood pressure, obesity, and cardio disease as. The only thing required to do before exposing to higher risk, is to make changes in the diet and choose foods cholesterol controls.

Foods cholesterol control

Here are the few foods cholesterol controls.

Oatmeal is rich in nutritious fiber that is capable of reducing the cholesterol level. The importance of oatmeal came in to lime-light in the year 1997 when the Food and Drug Administration declared the benefits derived from consuming oatmeal and how it prevents the heart disease. Besides oatmeal, cereals, whole grain, bread, bran, wheat, unrefined rice, etc. that is rich in fiber also help in reducing bad cholesterol. Oatmeal is one of the best food's that controls cholesterol.

Fish and selected meat – Being fish is low in saturated fat and high in vitamins, steamed fish the good choice to include in the diet as this is one of the super foods cholesterol controls. Skinless turkey and chicken in medium quantity like one or two servings can also be included in the diet. However, fried meat should be avoided.

Yogurt is the ideal food that helps in regulating the acid components in the stomach. Milk can be replaced with yogurt as it is low in fat. Besides yogurt helps in reducing the high level of cholesterol, it also balances the digestion of food.

People who love to cook and prefer home food can cook their food using olive oil. In addition, they can try mixing several healthy ingredients. For instance, they can add onion and garlic that has the component to de-clog the arteries and reduce the risk of heart disease by reducing the cholesterol levels. Onion can increase the level of HDL and decreases the LDL. Including bean in the meal is also good for diet as it contains soluble fibers to battle against the bad cholesterol. Eventually, these are the ideal foods that control cholesterol.

It is suggested to include vegetables in the lunch or dinner. Organically cultivated vegetables and fruits are high in fiber and have no cholesterol or fat. Red meat that is rich in fat can be replaced with skinless boiled meat and steamed fish as there are healthier food items with low saturated fats. When it comes to fatty substances, you can include healthy fats like unsaturated fats and omega-3 fatty substances in the diet. However, ensure that you avoid eating food items that are high in saturated fats. Furthermore, mono-saturated and poly-saturated fats are also relatively effective in lowering the level of cholesterol, and these fatty substances are commonly found in cooking oil.

Tips and comments

Just by avoiding and saying a BIG NO to oil foods, fatty substances and processed foods, cholesterol levels can be controlled. 


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