Symptoms Of Vitiligo Diseases
Diseases Diseases

Symptoms Of Vitiligo Diseases

Published at 02/22/2012 19:31:55


Symptoms Of Vitiligo Diseases

The symptoms of vitiligo diseases can affect any race. The symptoms are more noticeable in sufferers with darker skin. Early diagnosis of the disease is important for the treatment of the disease. Although, treatment options are rather limited at this point, new therapies are being introduced on an ongoing basis to help sufferers fight the disease. Recognizing the symptoms of vitiligo diseases are important to help catch the disease in its earliest stage.


Vitiligo diseases exhibit distinctive, visible symptoms that are easy to spot for sufferers. Symptoms of vitiligo diseases include pigment loss. The loss of pigment results in white patches on the skin. The patches usually develop around the scalp, eyebrows and hands in its earliest stages. Some people may experience symptoms of vitiligo diseases such as a change of color of the retina or loss of color in the tissue that lines the mouth. The disease can be generalized or more focal. If it is generalized, the symptoms of vitiligo diseases can appear across the body on many parts. More focal symptoms of vitiligo diseases are limited to one part of the body. In some instances, the pigmentation loss can be segmental. When segmental, the pigment loss is on one side of the body. It is rare for segmental pigment loss to spread to other parts of the body. This type usually stops after one to two years.

When to Seek Help

Treatment for the symptoms of vitiligo diseases should be sought as soon as possible. There is no cure for the disease, but there are medications and other treatments available to help slow the progression of the disease. Depending on the progression of the disease, treatment may be able to help restore some of the loss pigment. Treatment options for symptoms of vitiligo diseases include medical therapy and surgery. The surgery includes skin grafts or tattooing that can help to replace lost pigment. A doctor can help to determine the best treatment for the symptoms of vitiligo diseases. Some vitiligo diseases have opted to live with the disease and use make up to cover the most obvious white patches on the skin. The search for a cure for symptoms of vitiligo diseases is continuous. New therapies are made available through clinical trials. A physician can help a vitiligo sufferer to sign up for a trial if they meet the criteria for receiving help.

Tips and Comments

Although there is no formal cure for symptoms of vitiligo diseases, many sufferers have found self-care tactics to minimize the impact of the disease of their everyday life. The use of a sunscreen can help prevent further damage to the skin. The sunscreen should have at least an SPF of 30 and be effective protection from both UVB and UVA light. A physician can also prescribe an effective sunscreen for more severe cases of the disease. There are a number of concealing cosmetics available for those with symptoms of vitiligo diseases. The cosmetics are available in a variety of shades that are designed to blend with most complexions.
