Diseases Diseases

How To Protect Yourself From Viral Disease

Published at 02/24/2012 18:06:38


You can find germs practically everywhere, ranging from bathrooms to drinking water. In order to protect yourself against a viral disease, you will need to take a couple per-cautionary steps. Most known germs will not harm our bodies and our immune systems defends us from any health issues germs may cause. Some bacterias and such are actually medically proven to be beneficial to us.

How to Protect Yourself From a Viral Disease

Hand Washing: Washing your hands and maintaining good hygiene can help ward off a viral disease. Hand washing is really one of the easiest ways to protect yourself. Make sure to wash your hands after using the restroom, before and after preparing foods and after coughing or sneezing. Make sure you use hot water (as it kills off bacterias better than cold water) and anti bacterial soap handy at all the sinks in your house. If regular soap is not available to you, then use hand sanitizer as it does the trick too.

Keep Up To Date on Your Vaccines: Vaccination is also one of the best ways to protect yourself against a viral disease. There are a ton of diseases and infections that can be prevented by a small and simple shot in the arm. In children, this is especially important but it is just as important in adults as adults can get a viral diseases as well. Adults are prone to tetanus and influenza so in order to prevent a viral disease, make sure to speak with your doctor about vaccinations and they are one of the best lines of defense.

Avoid Being Around Those Who Are Sick: One of the most obvious ways to prevent a viral disease is to avoid being around others who are sick. Of course, you do not want to ostracize someone who is feeling ill but it is best to avoid close contact with the person and to avoid sharing anything with the person, ranging from clothing to hygienic products. If you must borrow something from an ill person, make sure to rub it down with an disinfectant towelettes.

Keep Your House Well Ventilated: Keeping a well ventilated house is often one of the preventive measures that is passed by. Change your vent filters regularly so it promotes fresh and clean air to flow through your living space. Keeping a window open during weather permitted times is also a great idea as it helps the contaminated air flow through and brings in clean air.


Some common symptoms of a viral disease include:

  • Rashes
  • Swollen lymph nodes
  • Swollen tonsils
  • Extreme weight loss
  • Sneezing
  • Coughing
  • Irritability
  • Gastrointestinal disturbances
  • Flu like symptoms (pains and aches, fever, wheezing, neck pains, sore throat, severe headaches and fatigue)



If you are experiencing any of the above symptoms, then try to get to your doctor as soon as possible. Also, try to keep your distance from others as if you do have a viral disease, you do not want others to catch it.
