Diseases Diseases

What Are Funguses?

Published at 03/07/2012 14:13:35


All living things are absolutely exposed to bacteria and funguses. Plants, animals, and human beings are possibly infected with funguses since they are surrounded of contaminated water, polluted air and unsterilized things which are considered as common problems of living things’ health and growth. Funguses can be found anywhere but they can be avoided if individuals have good and clean environment and have knowledge and awareness in all fungal preventions and treatment.


Funguses may appear in plants, animals and human body. Funguses are defined as spore-producing organisms which means a single-celled or multicellular organism without chlorophyll that reproduces by spores and lives by absorbing nutrients from organic matter. These include mildews, molds, mushrooms, rusts, smuts, and yeasts. Funguses are very concerning organisms which are seen the attributes of both plants and animals. They are described as nucleated, achlorophyllous organisms which characteristically produce offspring through sexual or asexual process whose filament like branched bodily structures are walled by cell walls. Funguses are extremely attacking the wounded, incorrectly planted and overwatered plants. When these funguses are not prevented and treated immediately, then this disease will become worst until it will result to a dry out, wither and dying plants. Animals, especially which are not given time to be taken care of can easily get infections from funguses since they are very open to dirty slums. When these infected animals have direct contact with human, then an individual might be tainted too with those funguses. A person can acquire funguses and may lead into dangerous infections. This fungal infection is a common disease to individuals who are not vey particular with their personal hygiene, environment and the things they are using. But there are ways to prevent and treat this disease as long as the concerned are strongly wlling to do so such preventions and treatment.


There are various types of funguses which attack some body and animals parts and the plants thatch. One of these is the most vulnerable and highly contagious to people, the toenail fungus. This can be gotten by individuals whom their nails are hurting or painful when fungus takes control. Their nails starts out with white or brown spot on a single nail but it can turn into yellowed and crumbling nails. A person who already has fungal infection of the feet and who is perspiring profusely and wearing closed-toe shoes is the easiest concerned who will be infected wit this disease. Next is the skin fungus which has different types of infections or conditions and difficult to distinguish. This skin fungal infection appears on any part of the body. Common types of skin fungal infections are face fungus, athlete's foot, jock itch, ring worm, candidiasis, and tinea versicolor. These skin fungal infections can cause itchy, flaky and burned and reddened skin. Others can change the color of the skin. And lastly the fungus bipolaris which can be found in plants. This is also called as leafy spot that infects and ruin the plants by collapsing the cells at the base of the culms and resulting to a breaking of stems and into the whole infected parts of the plant. This can also give asthma and other respiratory problems.

Tips and comments

All you need to do in order to prevent and treat funguses is that, be tidy and clean always, observe proper hygiene, have clean surroundings, and avoid contacting with infected animals. If such fungal disease becomes worst, try to see a doctor whose specialization is for skin allergies and infections. These funguses are harmful and hurtful so, be vigilant and aware of all preventions and treatment so you cannot experience skin and respiratory problems and other fungal infection for the plants and animals.
