Diseases Diseases

What Are Diseases Collagen

Published at 03/13/2012 01:20:09


Collagen is a group of naturally occurring proteins in animals, especially in the flesh and connective tissue of mammals. These proteins are the main constituent of body connective tissue. Collagen is the most common and is present in skin, cartilage, tendons, and ligaments. Bones are also made up of a kind collagen, with the mineral calcium phosphate for strength. Fibroblast cells give rise to collagen and their problem results in collagen diseases or called connective tissue diseases. Regarding, collagen molecule it consists of three chains of proteins, each of 1,000 amino acids in length, which are rolled over in a triple helix shape. Known types of collagen are 15 that can be divided generally into fibrillar and non-fibrillar types according to location in body. Former collagens are found in cartilage, tendons, skin, and bones and are related to function of strength so these malformed structure results in fibrillar collagendiseases. Later collagens types are found separating the basement membranes, the epithelial layers example given in the cornea. They form networks and sheets of structural architecture and their problems are non fibrillar collagen diseases.


Importance of collagen diseases:
Collagen proteins are known to be the main component of connective tissue, and are the most abundant proteins in human body and in other mammals. They are roughly a 25% to 35% of the total protein content of the body. Collagen diseases disturbs as collagen is in the form of fibrils and is seen in fibrous tissues like tendon, ligament and skin, and in cornea, cartilage, bone, blood vessels, the gut, and intervertebral disc and even in liver which makes the most of body functioning troops. The fibroblast is the cell that most commonly creates collagen and even the problem with the formation or working of these cells can cause collagen diseases. It also is a part of muscle and collagen diseases of muscular system can leave humans handicapped. Collagen diseases occur in many places throughout the body that’s due to long spread of collagen in body. Type one is the most common forms and it makes 90% of the body collagen reserve.


Types of collagen and collagen diseases:
15 -28 types of collagen have been identified and so are the described collagen diseases. The five most prominent and common types are:
Collagen diseases I: problems of collagen in skin, tendon, vessels and bone are included in type.
Collagen diseases II: diseased cartilage is in this class.
Collagen diseases III: disease of reticulate fibre in the body fall in this type of collagen diseases.
Collagen diseases IV: Any kind of deranged cellular basement membrane is of type 4. Metabolic changes occur.
Collagen diseases V: In this class, cell surfaces, hair and placenta are affected.

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Aetiology of collagen diseases:
Collagen diseases arise due to genetic defects or nutritional problems that may affect the synthesis, assembly, or posttranslational modification of collagen production or its secretion. Symptoms of collagen disease include muscle aches, stiffness, and joint pain, oedema and feeling weakness. More women than men and few children are affected. Collagen diseases are contagious or infectious. Few collagen diseases are derma-to-myositis, rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus, and sclera-derma and poly arteritis nodosa. According to some studies, those suffering from lupus or scleroderma may be diagnosed with other mixed collagen diseases.

Management of collagen diseases:
Collagen diseases treatment plan require daily life activity changes mostly because of muscle aches and joint pain. There is no cure yet, but some anti-inflammatory medications and other drugs that do suppress the immune system are given to the patient as a measure to relieve and control the symptoms. In severe cases of collagen diseases, the organs may become involved and may lead to death.
