Diseases Diseases

About Species Of Gliocladium

Published at 03/15/2012 21:36:26


A lot of talk has recently been going around about the different species of Gliocladium and their possible uses. Before we get into the latter’s many varieties, it would be best to first clarify what are Gliocladium.


The scientific name of Gliocladium is Clonostachys Rosea. It is actually a type of specie of fungus, which are part of Bionectriaceae family. Since it is a fungus, this is a living thing that naturally has parasitic growth and characteristics to it. It is a fungus that has a reddish hue to it and is fairly small in size. This species is a well known parasite that lives off on other nematodes and fungi. Furthermore, because of its nature, the Gliocladium is able to produce a wide variety of volatile compounds which can serve as poison for other living things, like:

• Other types of fungi
• bacteria, and also of
• certain insects, which is why some scientist have been known to utilize its component in the interest developing a biological pest control agents

It can produce a wide variety of toxic compounds that as mentioned could be effectively used to ward off or terminate other fungi, bacteria, and insects as well. The emissions of a certain strain of Gliocladium, which are endemic in ulmo trees found in the rainforests of Patagonia and of Chile, have been said to be akin to diesel, and are often regarded as myco-diesel. As a fungus it has the ability to colonize living plants and turn them into endophte, which then gets to digest the material in the soil as a saprophyte.


Other features of the Gliocladium include:

• It is a potential source of bio fuel, because the variety growing in certain areas are said to resemble compounds of diesel. Based on the study conducted by Professor Gary Strobel, the man who led the work on investigating the components and properties of Gliocladium, he said that, "this is the only organism that has ever been shown to produce such an important combination of fuel substances.”

• This fungus also has the potential to provide environmental as well socioeconomic benefits. And this is through the capacity or ability of said fungus to change cellulose to hydrocarbons which in turn may lead the way for organic waste products such as sawdust to be utilized for bio fuel production instead of using the usual food sources.

• It is also a good way to help recycle bio waste because of its ability to decompose and break down materials.

Tips and comments

Learning about Gliocladium will show that the latter has on economic, commercial, societal and environmental implications. It is then no wonder that it is fast getting attention in both the realm of science and business. Take note however, that all the given features and benefits the latter are claimed to have are still works in progress and are yet to be declared as exact and proven a hundred percent. This therefore means that deeper investigations must be made in order to fully realize the full potential and capacity of said specie.
