Diseases Diseases

Common Cherry Tree Diseases

Published at 03/19/2012 15:37:16


Cherry trees are known for creating a beautiful floral display during the spring. They are famous for their strong and beautiful wood that is used by many interior designers and furniture makers. The cherry trees are able to grow in soils that have very low nutrient levels hence they become very prone to many diseases and infections. These cherry tree diseases can spread very fast and ruin the tree. Careful and proper monitoring will help in the identification of the cherry tree diseases on time hence proper management and treatment. The best way to prevent these cherry tree diseases from attacking is by taking good care of the cherry trees and following the regular preventive measures.

Types of cherry tree diseases

There are different types of cherry tree diseases that are caused by different factors. The common cherry tree diseases include:

  • Black knot: This fungus mainly affects the twigs, fruit spurs and small limbs. Infections appear on the young growths and it appears like light brown swellings in the bark and wood. The swelling will rapture as the tree grows.
  • Bacterial canker: It is caused by two bacteria. It is characterized by black depressions on the branches that ooze a sticky substance and black depressions on the fruits skin.
  • Powdery mildew: Mainly occurs in the humid warm areas and appears as white patches especially on the young leaves.
  • Cherry leaf spot: It is a fungal infection that targets the leaves but sometimes attacks the twigs and limbs. It appears as dark colored spots on the leaves and they may turn yellow at some point.
  • Silver leaf: It is also a fungal disease that appears like silver patina on the infected foliage. It may also attack the twigs and the die-back branch.

Treatment of cherry tree diseases

  • Black knot: Remove the affected plant material immediately the signs are noticed and clean the equipments used thoroughly.
  • Bacterial canker: It can be treated using a copper sulfate spray and the infected branches and leaves should be isolated to avoid infection of the healthy tree parts. Copper sulfate should be sprayed carefully as it affects the cherry tree negatively if overused.
  • Powdery mildew: Treated by removing all the affected leaves and branches and then applying fungicides thoroughly.
  • Cherry leaf spot: Use a good fungicide that will not harm the cherry tree and isolate the affected leaves and branches.
  • Silver leaf: There are no chemicals to treat silver leaf but isolating and destroying the affected tree parts will prevent it from spreading.

Tips and comments

  • Use Bacillus Thuringienisis regularly to fight and prevent spider mites.
  • Remove the caterpillar nests as they can defoliate cherry trees.
  • Prune the cherry tree close to the trunk to prevent the witch's broom but be careful not to harm the trunk.
  • Since the cherry trees are vulnerable to the garden borers, combat them by use of a solution that is made of diatomaceous earth and house liquid soap. Pour the solution on the bark of the tree using a garden spray.
  • Ensure that the soil bed has good watering and drainage system.
  • Avoid soil moisture and texture change as the cherry trees are vulnerable to soil changes.
