Diseases Diseases

How is parkinsons diseases managed?

Published at 03/17/2012 22:28:09

How to manage parkinsons diseases

Parkinsons diseases are degenerative and progressive disorders that attack the nerve cells that are found in the deep parts of the brain known as basal ganglia and substantia nigra. The substantia nigra nerve cells are responsible for production of neurotransmitter dopamine and conveying messages for planning and coordination of the body movements. The basal ganglia are responsible for ensuring that the body movement is carried out in a smooth and fluid manner. When the substantia nigra nerve cells begin to die off, the symptoms of parkinsons diseases start to occur.

Cause and Symptoms of Parkinsons Diseases

The cause of parkinsons diseases is not known but there are some secondary forms of parkinsons diseases that are caused by drugs like haloperidol that issued to treat confusion and hallucinations and reserpine which is an ingredient used in the anti-hypertension drugs.


  • Rigidity-stiffness that is caused by the involuntary increase of muscle tone.
  • Tremor at rest- involuntary shaking that starts on one side of the body and is decreased by purposeful movement.
  • Postural instability- sense of imbalance.
  • Bradykinesia- expressionless face, decreased blinking, slowness of movement and impaired dexterity.
  • Insomnia
  • Constipation
  • Dragging of one foot
  • Tremor while speaking
  • Swallowing difficulties
  • Depression
  • Small, cramped handwriting
  • Stooped posture


Management of Parkinsons Diseases

The following activities will help in the management of parkinsons diseases.

  • Exercise: regular exercise especially moving the muscles helps to keep the patient strong and flexible. Exercises like swimming, jogging and stretching are among the best exercises since they help the patient to cope with muscle stiffness and tremors. Good and daily exercise helps the parkinsons diseases patient to sleep at night, maintain proper body weight and to continue functioning normally like other people.
  • Physical therapy: professional physical therapy is best for parkinsons patients as they tend to have special therapy that caters for their specific needs. A professional therapist will design a therapy that benefits the patient maximally.
  • Proper diet: a good and balanced diet is very essential for the parkinsons diseases patients. This is because, in their early stages, they tend to gain weight as a result of reduced physical activities. Some patients tend to eat more due to depression. The doctor should be consulted for the right diet plan that a patient should follow.
  • Visiting the doctor regularly: parkinsons diseases patients should always visit the doctor regularly for monitoring and so that they can get the best medical attention. Regular checkups often make the patient to feel better and supported.

Tips and Comments

  • The patient should not overdo the physical activities.
  • Regular exercise helps to maintain strength and flexibility.
  • Taking small bits of food and chewing thoroughly before swallowing can reduce the swallowing difficulties.
  • Taking deep breath before speaking and pausing after a few words would be helpful.
  • Removing the obstacles on the pathways will help the patient much.
  • The patient should avoid tiled floors as they are very slippery.
  • The patient should try exaggerated lifting of the feet and swinging of hands as part of exercise.
  • The patient should maintain a good balanced and healthy diet.
  • The medication must be taken as directed by the doctor without failure since they help to keep the patient's balance.
  • The family and friends ought to be very supportive to the patient.
