Diseases Diseases

Common Types Of Victorian Diseases

Published at 03/19/2012 02:49:06

Common types of the victorian diseases


The Victorian time was characterized by overcrowding, poor sanitation, poor diet and bad housing. These three factors were so favorable for the breeding of many epidemic diseases. Living in Victorian cities was very unhealthy, but in most cases the chances of someone contracting the infections and diseases depended on how well the person fed and the kind of lifestyle they led. Since children are often the most vulnerable, they were mostly affected by many diseases and infections. Most children with infectious diseases would end up spreading them to other children at schools. It was very difficult to identify the infections and Victorian diseases, as most people would have a combination of infectious diseases. Since it was difficult to identify the diseases and infections, they killed thousands of people.

Common types of Victorian diseases

The following are the common types of Victorian diseases:

Measles: This was among the unstoppable Victorian diseases as the poor living conditions made the spread of the virus quick. Its signs were high fever, red eyes, cough and later spots on the neck and hairline. Most people who suffered from measles succumbed to pneumonia or meningitis. Today, the measles virus is mostly affects the children who are not vaccinated.

Consumption: It is now known as TB. It affected the people who lived in crowded areas. TB spread very fast, and there were no antibiotics to fight it, so the affected people were isolated from people for months as they tried to fight the disease. Today, TB is still a major cause of deaths, but the good news is that there are drugs to fight it if diagnosed early enough.

Mumps: The poor and crowded living areas were just perfect for the fast breeding and spread of mumps. It attacked the parotid glands that are below the ears and caused complications like swelling of the pancreas and brain that lead to death. Today, the disease is not as common, but it affects unvaccinated people who are in crowded places like schools.

Syphilis: Syphilis appeared before the Victorian times, but it during the Victorian time it was very rampant. Those who suffered from syphilis become paralyzed, insane and blind before dying. Today, cases of syphilis are rising especially due to the current lifestyle and the rising cases of unprotected sex.

Gonorrhea: During Victorian times, prostitution was very common probably due to the poor living conditions. This made the transmission of sexually transmitted Victorian diseases very high. Today, the cases of gonorrhea have reduced may be due to the increased sex education and the fear of contracting HIV due to unprotected sex.

Rickets: It affected children who lacked vitamin D, which is essential for strong bones in their diet. The children become bow legged for life. Today, rickets still exists but it's not common like in the Victorian era.


How to prevent the common Victorian diseases

  • Measles: It can be prevented through vaccination and avoiding crowded places.
  • Consumption: Taking the children for vaccination and avoiding overcrowded places and places with an outbreak of TB would be the best way to avoid TB.
  • Mumps: Avoiding kissing a person with mumps or coming into contact with an infected person's saliva, as the mumps-causing organism travels in saliva.
  • Syphilis and gonorrhea: Using condoms during sex is the best and main way to avoid contracting syphilis and gonorrhea.
  • Rickets: Getting enough vitamin D from the sun, supplements and dairy products is the best way to prevent rickets.



All types of Victorian diseases are fatal and frustrating. It is therefore upon each and every individual to do their part in avoiding the spread of the Victorian diseases. The governments should also step in and help the poor people who cannot afford good housing, proper and hygienic sanitation and also reduce overcrowding. This together with creating awareness of the Victorian diseases will help greatly in preventing and fighting the Victorian diseases.
