Diseases Diseases

How To Know If You Have Trinucleotide Repeat Disorder

Published at 03/31/2012 16:29:49


Having Trinucleotide Repeat Disorder is something that you can’t determine for yourself. You will have to seek professional help in order to know if you actually are afflicted with the disease or not. You will need to consult with a doctor or a physician and undergo certain medical tests in order to determine if there are signs and symptoms that can be traced back to the disease. Since most diseases and disorder actually share common symptoms and signs, it can be difficult to make an assessment on your own. You might determine that trinucleotide symptoms are being caused by one type of disease or medical condition, when in fact it is actually being caused by the Trinucleotide Repeat Disorder. Try to leave the diagnosis to the professionals.

Step 1

Before anything else, you must first understand what a Trinucleotide Repeat Disorder is. Basically, this type of disorder has something to do with a trinucleotide having too many copies in the DNA. Having this type of disorder can actually have varying effects on a person, depending on what type of disease or symptoms would be caused by this particular disorder.

Step 2

There are actually a number of this Trinucleotide Repeat Disorder that have been recorded, most of them share similar symptoms, mainly due to the fact that they share a similar cause, which is an identical codon that has been repeated. It is important to remember, however, that these repeated codons affect varying DNA segments, which indicates that the symptoms would manifest in different areas and forms.

Step 3

One of the many symptoms that can be linked to the diseases and disorders associated with Trinucleotide Repeat Disorder involves affecting both the body and mind of the afflicted person. Basically, he will feel involuntary and abrupt jerking of the muscle and movements, which could eventually lead to dementia once the disorder or disease becomes too severe. Some might also experience atrophy or weakening of the muscles that are located near the center of the body. These muscles are called proximal muscles.

Step 4

You may also notice that the afflicted person would have a progressive decline in his intellectual capacity. This means that the person afflicted with this type of disease could experience problems in his ability to speak, causing him to become ineffective in communicating to other people at times. He may also experience problems with coordination that could directly affect his reflexes, making them either slow or nonexistent. This symptom could be associated with the loss of sensation or feeling in his extremities or limbs.

Step 5

In some cases, people afflicted with the disease would experience rigidity, tiny sensations of contractions of the muscles situated on his face, as well as bulging of his eyes.


However, there are actually ways that you can determine initially if you have Trinucleotide Repeat Disorder on your own. Although you can’t really determine for sure that it is actually this type of medical condition or disorder that’s causing your symptoms, still, being able to monitor the varying symptoms that are associated with the disorder can be important, especially if you want to catch it in its early stages.

Sources and Citations

These are just some of the symptoms that you might want to look out for if you want to check if you actually have Trinucleotide Repeat Disorder. If you think that you might have this disorder, then immediately consult with your doctor.
