Diseases Diseases

How To Treat Infectious Bacterial Diseases

Published at 03/22/2012 14:24:16

How to treat infectious bacterial diseases


Bacteria are single-celled microscopic organisms that are found in the water, air, soil and food. There are many types of bacteria that live on insects, plants, animals, in the human digestive system and the upper respiratory tract. There are some good bacteria that help the human body to fight diseases and the bad or harmful bacteria that cause diseases and infections in the human body. Infectious bacterial diseases are the diseases that are caused by the harmful bacteria. Different types of bacteria cause different infectious bacterial diseases that require different care and treatment. The best way to reduce and prevent infectious bacterial diseases from attacking is by maintaining a healthy and strong immune system. The following are ways in which infectious bacterial diseases can be treated.

Step 1

Determine the infectious bacterial diseases

The very first step of treating infectious bacterial diseases is to determine the type of infectious bacterial disease that is affecting an individual. This can be done through laboratory testing or a qualified doctor can tell the type of bacterial disease by studying the symptoms present, though the chances of making a mistake would be high since most infectious bacterial diseases tend to have similar symptoms.

Step 2


After determining the type of infectious bacterial disease affecting a patient, the next step would be to prescribe some treatment that would include antibiotics which are the most common and effective treatment for infectious bacterial diseases. The doctor should be in a position to choose the antibacterial antibiotic that works best in fighting the infectious bacterial disease that is affecting the patient. The antibiotics that can be used to treat the infectious bacterial diseases are: tetracycline, ciprofloxacin. polymixins, bactracin and penicillin.

Step 3

Boost the immune system

As the patients takes the medication as prescribed by the doctor, it is important for them to boost their immune system through taking supplements and a nutritious, balanced diet. Boosting the immune system will give the body the strength and energy it requires to fight infectious bacterial diseases. Supplements like the cranberry are very effective in fighting the urinary tract infectious bacterial diseases. Nutrients like ginger, honey, vitamin A, cheese and yogurt help a long way in fighting the infectious bacterial diseases.

Step 4

Use of herbal remedies

Herbs are very strong and natural. There are many herbs that can be used to fight the infectious bacterial diseases by boosting the body's immune response. For example; bromelain that is found in pineapple is used as a remedy for the digestive complications caused by the bacterial infections, and for healing wounds too. Garlic is very common and is used to treat and cure vaginal bacterial infections.

Step 5

Avoid re-infection

An infectious bacterial disease re-infection can be fatal and sometimes difficult to treat. Therefore, each and every person should ensure that they do their best to avoid infection or re-infection of the infectious bacterial diseases. There are many ways of avoiding infection of the bacterial diseases which include;

  • when preparing food, ensure that it is properly cooked and at the right temperature
  • wash the vegetables and fruits thoroughly before eating them or even cooking
  • use different cutting board for meat, vegetables and fruits to avoid cross contamination
  • wash your hands with soap before eating and after using the restroom
  • wash wounds and use antibacterial ointments


  • During treatment of the infectious bacterial diseases, always look out for allergic reactions to the antibiotics prescribed by the doctor.
  • If you are allergic to a certain type of antibiotics, make sure you inform the doctor.
  • Make sure that you take the antibiotic prescription as directed by the doctor without missing or failing to finish to ensure complete and proper treatment.

