Diseases Diseases

What Are Diseases Strawberry

Published at 03/29/2012 02:59:47


On a strawberry plantation diseases are very restraining factors. The control of such diseases should incorporate a prevention program that is wholesome and at the same time cultural in its approach. This approach include the exchange of seedlings after every 3 to 4 years, using certified stock, fumigation before planting, cultivate selection and weeds and insects control. Some of the strawberry diseases may be brought about by the purchased plants or may be found in the soil itself. Some of them can be brought about by birds, insects, farm equipment, workers boots and the wind.

Root rot is where the roots of the strawberry plant rot in the soil causing the plant to wither. It destroys the plant completely. So in case a seed if infected by the strawberry diseases, do not replant it because the fungus remains in the soil for approximately 13 years. Strawberry seed also should not be reused if the previous were infected.

Leaf spots are very common all over the world. The upper surface of the leaf develops some spots that are irregular in shape and small in size. The spots grow with time and maintain the dark and red margins. The middle of the leaf becomes brown, later to grey and finally becomes white. This may eventually kill the leaf.

Grey mold is a situation where the strawberry seed in infested by a grey growth. This makes the strawberry to rot so making it not fit for consumption. In the case where such a thing happens then the seeds should be disposed in garbage or in compost.

There are some ways in which strawberry diseases can be prevented so that they do not affect the plant at all. Some of the methods of prevention may include but not limited to: buying local plants that the nursery within the locality have certified them from being infected with any disease. Buying of the local species is also very paramount in that it is favorable to the local climatic conditions of the area so less prone to diseases.

When planting the strawberry seeds, there is need for spacing them so as to give plenty of room for growth. This make sures that the seeds are well moist and that are not crowded. Watering in the evening is also discouraged because it increases the chances of the seeds rooting in the ground. This is for the mere reasoning that during the night there is a drop of temperature so there is no much warmth needed to warm the seeds.


One can also try to use sprays for the fact that strawberries are heavily infested by parasites than any other fruits. Over fertilization can also bring about the strawberry diseases. There are also some varieties developed that are resistant to the strawberry diseases, so it is advisable that one should ask for advice from a nursery in your locality. Its best to take all safety measures at an early stage in order to make sure that everything is alright.
