Diseases Diseases

Types Of Diseases That Cause Hair Loss

Published at 03/28/2012 02:49:26


Usually hair loss is nothing to worry about medically and is a part of the natural aging process. However, there are some diseases that cause hair loss and these diseases at times, may be something to worry about.

Diseases That Cause Hair Loss

Some of the diseases that cause hair loss are:

Alopecia areata- Alopecia areata is one of the most common diseases that cause hair loss. Alopecia areata is really not life threatening but doctors do recommend it should be treated. Alopecia areata is often caused by a fungal infection on the head. It can effect hair on the head, on the face and at times, on other parts of the body. Those with Alopecia areata experience really quick hair growth following really quick hair loss. One day a person may have hair growing on their legs, the next it will all be gone!

Other Diseases That Cause Hair Loss- There are several diseases that cause hair loss. They include anemia, typhoid fever, viral infections, malaria, anorexia, thyroid disease and ovarian cancer. The above mentioned diseases are very serious diseases and hair loss is one of the symptoms that usually involved.

Other Reasons One May Experience Hair Loss

There are other reasons one may experience hair loss, that are not necessarily involved with diseases. Someone may experience hair loss because of stress, weight gain, weight loss and even being on certain medications. Taking birth control pills is actually a common reason why a woman may experience hair loss.

What You Can Do For Hair Loss

Unfortunately, there are a ton of diseases that may cause hair loss and other factors that may cause hair loss as well. There are a couple things you can do if you have one of the diseases that cause hair loss.

  • Avoid medications that are known to cause hair loss, such as Heparin, interferon, and Accutane. If you have one of the diseases that cause hair loss and you're on one of the above mentioned medications, simply ask your doctor if there is an alternative medication you can take instead.
  • Take care of your hair: For women, this means that you should not use regular rubber bands as a hair tie. The rubber bands pull on the roots of your hair, making them pull out. You also should limit dryers, hair straighteners and curling irons. Another reason a woman may experience hair loss is because of frequent hair dyeing. Try to stay away from chemical products being put on your hair.
  • Avoid Stress: Avoiding stress is another way to prevent hair loss. Make sure to get at least 8 hours of sleep per night and try to exercise, to keep your body and immune system working at it's best. Avoiding stress is another way to avoid diseases that cause hair loss.
  • Eat Right: Eating right can also help prevent diseases that cause hair loss as well as prevent natural aging hair loss. Iron, Protein, Vitamin C, Omega 3's and Zinc are known to actually promote hair growth so taking these supplements and eating them in your daily meals can avoid hair loss.
