Diseases Diseases

How To Treat Goat Diseases

Published at 03/25/2012 18:21:59


Goat diseases are very similar to diseases affecting sheep and other livestock. Before one can start any treatment for any type of goat diseases, one needs to properly diagnose the disease. The diagnosis should be done rapidly and accurately so that the disease can be eradicated before it starts spreading to other livestock. Once the disease has been identified, the service of a good practicing veterinarian should be sought. The disease can be identified doing the physical examination of the goat.

Step 1

Out of all the goat diseases most commonly seen is the pink eye. The organism causing pink eye is mycoplasma conjunctivae. Goat diseases like the pinkeye can be seen during any time of the year, but it is mostly seen after transporting goats over long distances.

Step 2

Usually, this disease affects just one eye. When this disease affects just one eye it is not that much of a problem, because the goat can eat and find forage without much difficulty. but if this disease affects both the eyes, then it can be very devastating for the animal as it wont be able to eat or look after itself, resulting in weight loss and eventually even death. Treatment for this disease usually involves application of ophthalmic powder.

Step 3

If both the eyes are affected the goat should be fed by force. The goat should be confined in a shed without any exposure to sunlight during the period of treatment.

Step 4

Out of all the goat diseases, another commonly seen one is the sore mouth. This disease is caused by a virus belonging to the pox family, and it affects the skin of mammary gland and reproductive area as well as the skin of the flank.

Step 5

After a few days, small blisters can appear and after few weeks they can change to pustules. These pustules can contain yellow purulent material and can develop into a blister. Goat diseases like this which are caused by virus can be treated by using antiviral drugs. This disease can be prevented by the administration of vaccine.

Out of all the goat diseases caused by bacteria, another commonly seen one is caseous lymphadenitis. This goat disease is caused by the organism corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis. This is a very resistant microorganism which is resistant to adverse environmental conditions and sunlight. This disease mainly affects the lymphatic system and is a chronic condition. The first sign usually seen is the enlargement of any of the lymph node. When goats are affected by goat diseases like this one, they usually do not show any symptoms in the beginning. This deterioration of the condition will progress and eventually the goat will succumb. Administering antibiotics goat diseases like this, is not practical nor an effective treatment option. The best means of controlling this disease is by early detection and removing the diseased goat from the herd.

Enterotoxemia also called as overrating disease is occasionally seen in goats. Most of the time, when goats are affected by this disease, the owner fails to recognize the disease. Usually the goats are seen dead lying around their feeding grounds or near water bodies. The treatment option for this disease is very limited. but an effective vaccination is available. Treating goat diseases can be expensive. So it is better to try to prevent goat diseases from breaking out in the first place. This can be done by administering vaccinations to all the goats at a young age.
