Diseases Diseases

Dazomet Uses And Side Effects

Published at 03/27/2012 17:59:42


Dazomet is a type of an antibiotic which is used for the following treatments. Dazomet is used to treat the problems or infections on the teeth, the lungs, the bones and the joints. It is very useful in the treatment of the sexually transmitted diseases. Dazomet also can be useful for treating ulcers which are caused by some bacteria. As prescribed by the doctor you are allowed to take it that way. You should never overdose or underdose.The antibiotic should be taken at regular intervals which will appear as instructed by the doctor. Make sure that you complete the full dose as the doctor has prescribed. You should not stop taking it until it is over. Never stop taking the antibiotic even if your case becomes better. This is advisable for clearing the problem ,which when not taken completely the problem will still come back and thus making the antibiotic of less usage. 


It is advised that you take the tablet at the end of the meal or alternatively when you are taking your food. Take it with food and the change will be seen as aresult.If the medicine has been given in syrup form, you are required to take it one hour before taking food. You should shake the syrup very well before taking it. This will make the liquid be mixed in an even way. If you come to realize that you have not taken the dose the way it is supposed to be taken or by any chance you forgot to take it, then take it as quickly as possible to regain the consistency.


Incase you faced with any kind of skin infection or you are allegic,it will be good if you contact the doctor or pharmacist to clean the problem. Sometimes there are cases which may face your breathing. You should not ignore it. Make the pharmacist aware in order to determine the usability of the Dazomet doze on your skin or any other part. Sometimes Dazomet may have some side effects on your skin or face. The infected parts turn out to be swollen and therefore there is no need of remaining quiet. You should immediately inform the doctor in case of any side effects. This will help him give you directions accordingly and thus stop the spreading of the infections or in any case there may be trouble he is able to direct you to achieve all the steps required in taking the drug.

Tips and comments

If you are taking Dazomet with other medicines make sure that you inform the doctor about them. Even if they are herbal make sure that the doctor knows. Obtain also a valid prescription if you are buying the medicine. The pharmacist or doctor is in a place of helping you deal with the situation.
When you are taking the antibiotics you should avoid taking alcohol as much as possible. Dazomet should not be mixed with alcohol. This may make the situation worse and ineffective. It is also advised that you store Dazomet in a cool dry place and it should be out of reach by small children. Light should also not reflect on it. Do not let Dazomet be exposed to sunlight all the time. If exposed see the doctor for correction, don’t use it.

