Diseases Diseases

What Are The Causes Of Skin Diseases In Children

Published at 04/02/2012 13:36:41


The skin, which is composed of layers, is a sensitive external organ of the body that prevents germs and other harmful substances from entering and infecting the body’s internal organs, it also excretes waste substance through its pores. Many skin related diseases affect children. Most of these complications are mild and easily treatable at home or by pharmaceutical medication. The most common skin diseases in children include rashes, ringworm, warts, rosella, Roseola Infantum, chicken pox, impetigo. There are quite a variety of ways that causes skin diseases in children, and are mostly associated with poor hygiene or sanitation. Some of the causes are as discussed below.

The Causes Of Skin Diseases In Children

One of the most common causes of skin diseases in children is allergic reactions. Dry patches appear on the skin, known as Eczema, often occurring simultaneously with asthma and allergies. There is also contact dermatitis which look like swollen, fluid-filled lesions mostly caused by skin contact with substances that cause rash-like reaction mostly the poison ivy. Hives which appear as slightly raised red patches of skin are also caused by allergic reaction. These are reactions to some types of topical medication, foods and even environmental allergens.

Skin diseases in children can also be caused by viral infections. Warts which appear as thick bumps on the skin are as a cause of the human Papillomavirus. Coxsackie, commonly known as the hand-foot-mouth disease appear as raised bumps on the feet, hands or even at times the mouth, and is caused by the Coxsackie virus. Chicken pox, another viral infection, appears as itchy, swollen rash all over the body. Roseola Infantum which appear as small, slightly raised bumps after an illness of the respiratory associated with high fever is another viral infection.

Bacterial infection is also another common cause of skin diseases in children. Examples include Impetigo that causes sores or easy to break blisters, scarlet fever that appear as red rash on the body usually accompanying strep throat and caused by the bacteria Streptococcus pyogenes.

Fungal Infection like the ringworm is also a common cause of skin diseases in children. It is usually caused by dermatophytes that appear as round raised red area. Poor diagnosis might lead to more problems associated with this infection.

some additional information

During high external temperatures, sweat becomes blocked in skin ducts causing heat rash to appear on the skin, due to fungus, bacteria or yeast being trapped in the skin pores. This is yet another cause of skin diseases in children.

Skin diseases in children can also affect toddlers, even babies who will require extra gentle care. This is commonly found in a baby’s bottom when reacting to baby wipes or even laundry detergents, usually known as diaper rash. It is likely to leave a baby’s skin scaly and very tender.



Most of these skin diseases in children can be avoided by keeping the skin clean, teaching children how to wash their hands frequently, proper diagnosis to the diseases, exposure to clean sanitation and environment, trimming their nails to prevent cuts when scratching or even keeping infected areas covered up so as to prevent more skin complications.
