Diseases Diseases

How To Diagnose Diseases Of Thymus Gland

Published at 03/30/2012 12:43:33


The thymus gland can be defined as a pink-grey organ that is located behind the breast bone around the chest cavity. It makes the white blood cells medically called lymphocytes that primarily fight infection. It is a relatively large organ in the early stages of human development especially during foetal growth and continues to grow until puberty.

Upon reaching puberty it becomes less and less active and regresses to be replaced gradually by fat and scar tissue. However, the thymus continues to produce the t-lymphocytes until old age sets in.

The thymus gland wasn’t known much until very recently when the autopsies of young adults showed varied sizes of the gland. Experiments conducted thereafter showed removal of the gland before birth, the baby will accept the transplant successfully without rejecting it.

Step 1

Identification: Diseases of the thymus gland may be easily noticeable in human beings. A person is likely to get sick often, infections will be a common occurrence, chronic and sometimes prolonged. Allergies may also be more likely.

The other prominent symptoms of the diseases of the thymus gland would include swollen glands, extreme sweating, depression and puffiness at the throat. Cancer could also be prominent disease in the individual.

Step 2

Clarification: In order to be clear that it is diseases of the thymus gland, one could carry out an x-ray to check on the physical size, condition, positioning and wellbeing of the gland. This could be accompanied by a blood check to identify number of leucocytes in the body in relation to required levels.

An MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) scan similar to the computerized tomography (CT) scan can also be used to check on whether there is any condition that can lead to the diseases of the thymus gland. Thus however is more expensive but at the same time more effective. Most doctors advise patients to carry out MRI.

Step 3

Classification: The presence of diseases of the thymus gland should be further classified as acute or mild depending on its physical condition. If acute -akzidentelle Involution- the gland shrinks because of a trigger such as an agent or disease.

If mild, age related involution, morphological changes occur naturally. This is referred to as, altersinvolution. This type of involution is perfectly normal but the former is abnormal as it occurs too early in the development of children.

Step 4

Study: Once the diseases of the thymus gland are classified, it is studied to discover the effect of the disorder on the individual. This is because the rescission of the gland may cause different symptoms to manifest themselves. In many individuals the symptoms of the diseases of the thymus gland are mainly involving the immune system.

Step 5

Treatment: the main treatment of diseases of the thymus gland is mostly surgery in extreme cases. However, chemotherapy, radiotherapy or a combination of both may be used. Because thymus is part of the immune system, the main specialist involved is a neurologist.

Tips and Comments

Because the gland is involved in the propagation of the immune system, many people with thymus gland tumors will also have an immune system related illnesses. One should thus be clear on the condition before proceeding to treat any diseases of the thymus gland.

Sources and Citations





