Diseases Diseases

Treatment Of Hibiscus Diseases

Published at 04/02/2012 14:36:22


Hibiscus is a type of plant that comes from the mallow family, Malvaceae. This family of flowers is rather large and it contains several hundred of species, which are prone to warm temperatures, subtropical and tropical regions. They are known as hibiscus, sorrel or flor de Jamaica. They split into annual and perennial herbaceous plants, and then there are as well woody shrubs and small trees.

Hibiscus usage

There are various usage that this plant may have and these includes landscaping, paper usage, beverages, health benefits and as well food. Many of the existent species are grown due to their showy flowers and used in order to attract butterflies and hummingbirds. While paper is made from trees, one of the hibiscus types offers one the possibility of making some paper as well. This type is called Kenaf. As a beverage the hibiscus tea is consumed in almost all the countries around the world. It is served both cold and hot and it is well known among the others due to its color, tanginess and flavor. It is the dried flower of hibiscus that is edible in Mexico. This can as well be candied and used as a garnish among other ones. Other species is used as a vegetable – the roselle, and some others are more used to give a natural color to the food.

The tea of hibiscus is good mainly for people with kidney problems, the hypertensive adults, as it contains vitamin C and minerals. In the Indian medicine it is believed to be good for hair growth, cough and as well hair graying.

Hibiscus care

Just like any other plant, in order for it to grow good and to have a pretty long life, one needs to take good care in growing it. In taking care of it, one must at all times think of how the plants would live without the interference of humans. You must be aware of the food you give them, for resistance. If you feed the hibiscus with good quality, balanced compost you can never give them too much. Anyhow, if you opt for chemical fertilizers, you may easily give them too much. With these type of plants, too much will equal cancer promoting nitrites and some pest and hibiscus diseases problems. Another problem to be taken into consideration is stress. Just like in humans, stress negatively affects these plants. When putting them in the garden, aim at creating the necessary conditions they should live in. in that garden it could be good to have another companion plant as in keeping the insect under control.

Plant diseases

Hibiscus diseases can often appear due to the exterior factors. They attract pests as much as the roses do. Examples of those pests are aphids, white flies, mites and as well snails. Anyhow, when seizing something is wrong, one should try and use the benign remedies, and just afterwards, the deadly chemicals. Hibiscus diseases can be of a very wide range. Anyhow, there are two of them that are most important ones from all the hibiscus diseases possible. These are tip die back and root rot.

The first one of the hibiscus diseases is caused by the combination of hot and of cold that it was subjected to. This will most often be caused by the high humidity of the area that one is storing them for hibernation. If this is the case, the plant should be cut below the infected area, then wash the clippers to prevent spreading the fungus. The second one of the most known and met hibiscus diseases is the root rot, which will make the plant look wilted despite of the soil being wet. If you are not sure if this is the case, take the plant out of the pot and smell the root. If the root is white, it is good. But if they are blackened, there sure is a problem with your plant. One first thing you can do is to mix a solution of 10% bleach and water and then pour over the roots. This should kill whatever is eating the roots.
