Diseases Diseases

How To Prevent Circulation Diseases

Published at 04/01/2012 00:42:21


Circulation is very essential function of every living organism. The major functions performed by the circulatory system includes carrying oxygen to different organs of the body and carrying back carbon dioxide for removal and removal of body wastes. There are numerous circulation diseases that the humans need to be aware of.

Step 1

Stay away from the habit of smoking. Medical science has already proved that hundreds of diseases are actually caused and stimulated by smoking. , circulation diseases are no exception. Try to stop smoking as soon as possible to keep your body and circulatory system healthy. If you have not started then remember that it is the most injurious habit that we need to stay away from.

Step 2

Exercises are very good for our health, various organs of the body and even the circulatory system. If we follow a daily routine of at least 15 minutes of exercise then we decrease the chances of having circulation diseases by almost 80 percent. Regular exercises which help in keeping the circulatory system fit are swimming, jogging, cycling, playing sports.

Step 3

Sleep is another important factor to keep our body fit and fine. It also has a huge positive intact on the circulatory system of the body. At least a normal person is expected to sleep minimum 7 hours in a day for example, 7 hours from within 24 hours. This surely helps him or her to stay away from various circulation diseases.

Step 4

If you want to stay away from circulation diseases then try to keep away stress as much as possible. Stress is also another crucial factor of various diseases and depression. , try to keep your life as tension and stress free as possible. Try to take a break from regular life, at regular intervals, in order to boost your inner energy.

Step 5

Try to avoid as much saturated fat as possible. Saturated oil is the factor behind various circulation diseases like heart attack and myocardial diseases. , try to eat healthy and as much oil free food as possible. Especially try to stay away from junk food so that you can keep your circulatory system fit and fine.

Eat as much vegetables and food enriched with protein and fiber. People often have the habit of sticking to a heavy diet of carbohydrates. Avoid having excess carbohydrates in order to stay away from circulation diseases. Eat food which helps in keeping the body fit and healthy and your circulatory system fine for a long time to come.

Tips and Comments

People who suffer from diabetes must control their disease as much as possible. Try to stick to a plan as advised by the doctors. This will help you to stay away from circulation diseases. Moderate alcohol consumption has been proved to be good for the body. But avoid excess alcohol in order to keep away from circulation diseases. Alcohol should only be taken at special occasions and that too in a small quantity. Smoking must be avoided at any cost, if you want to stay away from respiratory diseases.
