Diseases Diseases

Types Of Genetic Diseases Found in Dogs

Published at 04/02/2012 16:42:01


The dogs, just as humans, could be the subjects of different types of genetic diseases. Those diseases are transmitted from ill parents to puppies, and it is important to determine if your dog has those problems. In fact, it is important to stop the ill dogs from breeding, as different types of genetic diseases can be transmitted.


There are different types of genetic diseases, but here are the most common ones.

Leptospyrosis is a condition described by Hofer. It can also be found with other names, such as the disease of Stuttgart. The malady evolves under several symptoms. Usually, it is manifested with fever, lack of appetite and vomit. The virus remains in a latency form until it is activated by several factors, such as bad feeding. In 50 % of cases, the dog will die after one or two weeks, if the disease is not treated accordingly.

Those types of genetic diseases are hardly detected while they are in a latency form. There are also other kinds of manifestation, and it is important to determine if leptospyrosis is of chronic type or other type. The treatment for those types of genetic diseases is composed of antibiotics and vitamins. It is important to prevent the disease to spread, especially if it was detected that it has a chronic manifestation.


The different types of genetic diseases are usually asymptomatic. They are manifested by malformation of the bones, and it usually appears at the age of 1 to 3. several types of genetic diseases such as brucellosis are manifested during gestation. This disease appears at about 45 days since gestation, and it usually concludes with abortion. The disease is diagnosed with advanced methods, and usually it can’t be cured. After the abortion, there is a chance for the female dog to survive, but in this case, it is recommended to avoid the female dog to remain pregnant again. As for preventing those types of genetic diseases, it can only be made with periodical exams. Usually, brucellosis is manifested in certain areas, and the males from the respective areas must be controlled.

The different types of genetic diseases appear to dogs of different sizes and shapes. For example, dispazy is manifested only for pure races, and usually for dogs of small stature. If a dog suffers from dispazy, it is likely for the puppies to suffer from the same condition.

Tips and comments

This disease is manifested at the level of pelvis, and the articulation of the back legs can’t function properly. When this problem appears, it means the dog has bad articulations. As the disease advances, the articulation becomes more fragile, the shape of the pelvis changes and as the articulations is worn, and probably the dog will not be able to walk after a while.

The symptoms of dispazy are different from the symptoms of other types of genetic diseases. Usually, the dog will feel pains while moving and exercising, feeling discomfort and a rigidity of the back legs. The dog will have difficulties in climbing stairs, and he or she will also develop a limp.
