Diseases Diseases

How To Prevent Protozoal Diseases

Published at 04/02/2012 20:01:02


There are different types of protozoal diseases. The diseases known as protozoal diseases are caused from the protozoa. A protozoa is an organism within your body that is known to have animal or plant-like behaviors and movements. There are ways to prevent these diseases.


Several types of protozoal diseases have been known to afflict humans for many years. Here are some of those diseases that you don’t hear much about, but much medical research has been done in order to find ways to prevent and treat such diseases:

1. Amoebiasis

2. Giardiasis

3. African Sleeping Sickness

4. Leishmaniasis

5. Toxoplasmosis

6. Malaria

7. Babesiosis

8. Vaginitis

9. Chagas' disease

10. Kala-azar

Some of the protozoa that cause the protozoal diseases are considered free-living single-celled organisms. They can cause infections to any human tissues and are the primary cause of many diseases. These parasites are also known as extracellular or intracellular. They utilize many different ways of spreading such as the production of cysts, insects or human sexual contact.

With different modes of transmission amongst the different diseases, it is no surprise that certain humans are more susceptible to these protozoal diseases than others. Different protozoal diseases require different forms of treatment, but the most important factor is to determine how to prevent contracting them in the first place.

The above examples are some of the diseases that can commonly be caused by coming in contact with the protozoa’s that cause the infection to occur. Some of the diseases are more serious in nature than others. There are things a person can do in order to protect themselves and their family from contracting these protozoal diseases.



Here are some basic ways you can prevent contracting a protozoal disease:

  • Avoid consumption of contaminated water
  • Protect yourself from mosquito bites
  • Insect repellents
  • Avoid having stagnant water in your environment
  • Avoid consumption of contaminated food
  • Maintain proper nutrition
  • Maintain good hygiene
  • Safe sex

There are also various methods of diagnosing these protozoal diseases. Some of the most common ways these diseases are diagnosed are:

  • Blood work
  • Stool samples
  • Other laboratory exams
Even though most of the protozoal diseases are considered free-living and generally do not have a detrimental effect on human health, it is important that a person prevent the diseases if possible. Some of the symptoms are quite uncomfortable and can lead to other health issues if left untreated. Most of the protozoal diseases are found in soil and water, although some are found in insects or other humans.

Obtaining the right diagnosis for the right protozoal disease is of utmost importance in the victim receiving proper treatment. This will also allow the individual to overcome the disease more quickly and lessen the chances of relapse.

More information about symptoms, prevention and treatment of the different types of protozoal diseases can be found by going to:


Other information about protozoal diseases and prevention can be found by consulting your physician. If you experience any symptoms you feel could be associated with any of these parasitic conditions, it is important to consult a health care provider.



Tips and comments

Proper diagnosis and treatment is essential in overcoming a protozoal disease. 
