Diseases Diseases

Ways To Recognize Diseases Of The Foot

Published at 04/04/2012 06:45:14


There are a range of diseases of the foot, each with different causes and symptoms. In this article we will discuss some of these diseases of the foot and how to recognize if you have the disorder.

Step 1

Athlete's foot or Tinea pedis is an infection of the feet which is caused by fungus. Environmental factors can play a role in the manifestation of this diseases of the foot. These include wearing closed in shoes, keeping your feet wet for a long duration of time, sweating excessively or wearing unwashed socks for a prolonged period of time. This diseases of the foot is quite  contagious, and can either be passed through direct contact or contact with items such as shoes, stockings, socks or wet moist surfaces (bathroom floor).

Step 2

If you have any of the below symptoms then you may have this type of diseases of the foot.

  • Cracked, flaking, peeling skin between the toes or side of the foot.
  • Red and itchy skin.
  • Burning or stinging pain.
  • Blisters that ooze or get crusty.
  • Infected nails will be discolored, thick, and may even crumble.

You be professionally diagnosed by a health professional for this of this diseases of the foot via either a thorough examination of the foot or by the following tests a skin culture, skin lesion biopsy and a Skin lesion KOH exam. Over-the-counter anti fungal powders or creams that contain miconazole, clotrimazole, or tolnaftate are the general avenue taken for treatment. Additionally make sure that you keep your feet clean and dry, Wash your feet thoroughly with soap and water and wear clean and breathable shoes, socks or stockings.

Step 3

Corns and calluses are the next diseases of the foot we will discuss. This is a thickening of the skin on your hands or the soles of your feet caused by friction or pressure. The symptoms for this diseases of the foot include Skin is thick and hardened, skin may be flaky and dry and  there will be hardened, thick skin on the infected regions. The method of treatment for this disorder is to prevent friction  or pressure being inflected on the feet i.e. if you have ill fitting shoes, change to shoes that fit properly.

Step 4

The last diseases of the foot we will explain is Warts. Warts can occur basically any where on the body, including the feet and are caused a virus called human papilloma virus. An usual wart is  either lighter or darker in colour compared to your skin colour, slightly raised, smooth or flat surfaces and round or oval in shape. There are however different kinds of warts in existence these are as follows:

  • Common warts: These usually appear on the hands, but can manifest basically anywhere on the human body. They usually do not cause pain unless they are repeated rubbed against.
  • Flat warts: Found on the face and forehead. They are common in children, less common in teens, and rare in adults.
  • Genital warts (condyloma): Found on the genitals, in the pubic area, and in the area between the thighs, but they can also appear inside the vagina and anal canal.
  • Plantar warts: Found on the soles of the feet and can be very painful.
  • Subungual and periungual warts appear under and around the fingernails or toenails.

Step 5

We will focus our attention on the Planter Warts for this article. The pain that accompanies this type of wart can be relieved via the application of a special foot cushions. Additionally high heel shoes should be avoided. There are over the counter medications/products that can aid in the removal of this wart.


If you experience any of the aforementioned symptoms you should promptly visit your health professional.
