Diseases Diseases

About Identifying Houseplant Diseases

Published at 04/06/2012 03:08:11


Your houseplant can be harmed by a number of houseplant diseases. These diseases are caused by varying reasons, and each has different symptoms and treatment methods.

Fungal leaf spot is a fungal disease that primarily affects the leaves of your houseplant. This houseplant diseases chief symptom is the manifestation of spots on the leaf of the plant. This spot will typically be tan, dark brown, yellow, grey, purple, or black in color. These spots will be quite small in size, dispersed over the leaf surface and either circular or oval in shape. Some of the spots will be marginally elevated and they are known to have darker or lighter patches within the spot. Damp weather can cause the spots to increase in size and number subsequently merging into large dead areas.

Leaves that are heavily infected by these houseplant diseases will turn yellow to brown, wither, and then drop off the plant. there have been cases where this disease has caused the plant to lose its flowers, buds, fruits, twigs, or small branches. There are two chief avenues an person can take in accordance to this type of houseplant diseases, organic or chemical. If you opt for the more natural method then you will first need to remove all the infected leaves and dispose of them in an appropriate manner. Additionally make sure that the tree is aduaqualty watered but without splashing water on the leaves as this is how the disease manifests. The chemical route is the application of a suitable fungicide.


Powdery mildew is a fungal disease that is common in months that are warm and dry. This houseplant diseases is prevalent in many different types of plants, these include vegetables. landscape plants. fruit trees. grapes. desert annuals, trees and shrubs. If your plant becomes infected with this disease the following symptom will be apparent that of white or grey powdery spots or large blotches that manifest on the surface of the leaf, stems and fruits. This disease can spread via water splash and air currents. The treatment method can either be via chemical or organic. The application of a fungicide is the chemical treatment for this houseplant disease. it can be in the form of sulfur, neem oil, triforine or potassium bicarbonate.

This chosen fungicide should be applied every 14 days to make sure for continuous protection throughout the growing season. A more natural and organic method of eradicating this disorder is the application of baking soda, which should be combined with a horticultural oil and water and subsequently sprayed on the leaves. Additionally you could experiment with a milk spray. This is a solution of one part milk, and 9 parts water that is sprayed onto the leaves of the plant. Milk is seen as a natural germicide as it contains a certain amount of salts and amino acids that have adverse effects on powdery mildew.

Tips and comments

  • Good air circulation, remove fallen leafs and adequately watering your plant are three actions that a gardener can undertake to maintain the health of the houseplant.
  • Before re-potting plants make sure that you are using pasteurized soil and the pots that are to be utilized are thoroughly scrubbed and dried.
  • Plants should be checked on a regular basis for house plant diseases. If you catch them early there is a better chance of your plant surviving.
