Diseases Diseases

How To Recognize the Signs Of Bovine Bloat

Published at 02/01/2012 14:36:55


The number of reported cases of bovine bloating is constantly increasing every year. This medical disease is very active during seasons when the growths of the grasses are at its peak. Autumn and spring are the active seasons of this infection. Bloats usually happen to cattle when they indulge to new pastures that are high in legume contents such as clover, medics and Lucerne.

Bovine bloat is a medical condition that can infect a certain subfamily of mammals such as buffalo, cattle, cows, oxen and bulls. An infected animal of such medical condition will experience uneasiness in its stomach or rumen. Gasses are basically built inside the first stomach of the animal. This medical condition can lead to death of the animal if the symptoms are untreated. They can die in less than two hours if they are untreated. There are several ways to identify if your animal has bloat in its rumen.

Step 1

Determining the Symptoms of Bovine Bloating
• The animal’s bowel movement is one of the primary ways to diagnose if the animal has bovine bloat. Animals that are affected with bloating will experience increase of bowel movements for a short span of time and then followed by sudden decreases in bowel activities.
• Determine if your animal or cattle is disinterested in eating food. Loss of appetite is an apparent symptom of animal bloating.
• The cattle will express its signs of discomfort in its rumen by stomping their feet and kicking its sides. The expanding gasses in the rumen will cause discomfort to the animal’s belly. The animal will try to force out the gasses by stomping and kicking.
• Check out the animal’s belly and sides. The first symptom of bloating is that the infected animal will appear to be bloated. Their flanks and belly will look larger than its usual size.
• Another visual sign of bloating is the stance, expressions and posture of the animal. A bloated animal usually stands in a certain way. Their legs in the back are stretched out afar from their regular stance. The animal will also carry its head lower than usual and its eyes will become glassy.

Step 2

Following the Preventive Measures from Animal Bovine Bloating
• Always avoid feeding them from grasses or pastures during spring and autumn.
• If you have pastures with legume contents, introduce your animals to them in a slow process. Mix them with other foods that are safer to eat for the animals.
• Separate the animals with history of bovine bloating. There are several animals that have recurrent bloating problems despite all safety preventions and treatment. It is highly recommended to separate them from the other healthy animals.
• Invest in bloat capsules. These capsules are consisted of agents that will modify the microbes in the rumens to reduce the production of gasses.


Bloating should be taken seriously by every animal owner. This medical condition can lead to other complications such as dehydration, suffocation and death. If these symptoms occur, it is highly recommended to call a vet or perform imperative treatments to your animal. Act quickly whenever these signs will appear. Save the life of your animal from the complications and danger that can be ministered by bovine bloats.

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